F1 - 2024 Season

Yup, by this baseless reasoning alone Hamilton will be the most corrupt driver in history.

Anyway let’s get back to racing, Melbourne this weekend. Hopefully the focus will be on the cars/drivers and not the chatter floating around in pit lane and beyond.


And it will be on a Sunday. Saturday race is a stupid thing.


How’s that Pete? Watching F1 on normal times instead of in the middle of the night?!

Yes late Sunday afternoon it’s not often that these races are on in “normal” times here. Most races (Europe) start between 11.00pm and 2.00am.

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Yes but it is a British sport…

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Ah, that must be why there is so much debate about the rules :slight_smile:


Really? What’s that meant to mean.

Well, it’s understandable that a British sport is shown at funny hours on the other side of the planet…

There’s only one race in the uk, same as here. Also you may think it’s a British sport but I think you’ll find it’s owned Middle Eastern gentleman.

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Nah chum, it’s a bunch of (9) British Motorsport teams & Ferrari traveling the world on their jollies with the production now hosted by the Americans instead of Bernie and some of his ever more dubious associates, and the rest of the world, particularly Middle Eastern states, wanting to join in.

3 are actually British, 3 aren’t, but are based there. One is partly in the UK, the rest in the US. 2 are based out of Italy, one out of Switzerland. At least according to Wikipedia.

Saying a team is British because their factory is there is like calling B&W Chinese because they have facilities there. Or calling a Mini Countryman Dutch.

Nonsense. Actually I do stand corrected, it is 8 teams plus Ferrari and Sauber.

Doesn’t matter what national anthem is played, or where the Euros are coming from, 80% of the cars come out of a small patch of ye olde Engerland. If the home counties and East Midlands disappeared into a long extinct volcano one Tuesday lunchtime, then come Sunday 2:00 GMT you’d have two red cars and two very bright green ones on the grid and that’s it!

Still, Bottas would get a podium again. Which would be cool.

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To claim England owns F1 is like 2 fleas fighting each other over which of them owns the dog.

I haven’t claimed England owns F1. But it is a British sport.

Just the same as if say 8 of the teams came from NSW, 1 from New Zealand and one from Japan and pretty much all the infrastructure was based in a spot somewhere between Canberra and Sydney, from which they travelled the world with the oldest race on the calendar being in Melbourne, I’d be calling it an Australian sport.

No it’d be call something regional that included all the participants.

Hah, just remind yourself of the history of the teams involved, what their origins are/were, where the first GP was held, which nation has won most championships since, where most of the mechanics, engineers and support staff live, work and call their home, not only now but for much of the last 74 years.

Overseas cash has flooded in over the last couple of decades or so, as the global corporate machine has decided it’s a great way of spending and making money out of us gullible sorts but to say it’s anything but a British sport is daft.

Get over it😉


and let’s be honest, right now we all should know who owns f1, money.

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Indeed, and international money at that.

I am embarrassed for you, its a global sport with a lot based in Britain , which I am proud too. But you can’t call it a British sport.

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