F1 - 2024 Season

One reason could be that LH was in the best car at that time, which no other car could match.

At the moment the Red Bull is the best car, but catching up are McLaren and Ferrari.

Who knows what the best car will be in five or six years.


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Weellll, I see this often. Clearly at times the Merc was by some margin the better car, however for much of a couple of seasons during the LH reign, Ferrari was probably the better package and certainly often quicker. However team and driver errors repeatedly scuppered them. Plus, Adrian Newey’s genius kept RBR in the fight for much of this time. I think we have to give LH credit for being on top of his game at least.

Rosberg kept Lewis honest for the most part. Bottas was clearly quite handy but not in the same league.

Personally I feel Schumi’s dominance from 2000 to 2004 is perhaps the closest measure of scale.

I don’t agree at all about Rosberg. He was always a whiny little kid, chasing Lewis’ coat tails. Jealousy kept him going and soon as he lucked in to beating Lewis he quit. He knew he’d never win again.

This picture tells it all.


Nico was arguably a very good driver, but we all know LH had too many engine failures that year.

Absolutely. Rosberg was a very good driver, just not an ace one. Hamilton, Alonso, Schumacher were and still are a cut above.

And one level above that is Max.

What’s inna name …


Oh I think he is at that level as a driver. I have yet to see his ability to adjust personally to a non RedBull way of working. Vettel at RB was outstanding. Away from that?


Valid point, I have good hope though. He seems to be a pretty mature personality these days.


I see Liberty is taking over MotoGP.

Ah well, it’s been fun.


Shall we see cars and motorcycles racing together? The show first of all… :scream:

I doubt it as both are huge crowd pullers separately, there would only be a loss in revenue, as great as it would be.

Well, my guess is, something like this…


It has to be approved by regulatory bodies and I think they are beginning to take a dimmer view of takeovers like this one. To get around this might be Liberties strenuous assertion this morning that management teams of F1 and MotoGP will be kept totally separate, April Fool?

You can tell there is a GP this weekend.

There has been another tactical stir of the Horner issue.

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Or the press were sitting on the story until this week because they would get more clicks.
Interestingly, Max is making more supportive noises now, the cynical interpretation is that he clearly knows his best chance of winning in 25 is with Red Bull.

Is Max having an off weekend or has Perez up his game? Either way, it was good to see a bit of competition for P1 even if it was just between teammates. Sadly I expect they will both likely scamper off from the chasing pack, well Max at least.

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Perez has been more comfortable in the car this year, but i think it was that lap. Max seemed to suggest that the lap was not optimal and all through quali he was quite a bit further ahead.

Also good to see Mercedes not far off the pace, it seems they have sorted out some of the problems.

Anyone watch live at a very civilised time.

Listened to the radio commentary. It seems that the farewell tour for #77 is not going to be great success, at least he completed this time.