F1 - 2024 Season

Oh, boo-hoo!:sneezing_face::rofl::joy:


Never seen a one wheeled F1 car before. Chaos on the first lap.

Magnusson again. Idiot.


Big cars, narrow track, aggressive driving by one of the usual suspects = very dangerous and expensive.

He can’t help himself. 2 more points and he misses the next race.

Hopefully that will get him the 2 points he needs for a free holiday :joy:

I see Ocon is at it too !!!


There will be mitigation because he hit the wall and then hit Perez. Of course he hit the wall because he’s an idiot.


This might be a slow procession until the end. No compulsory pit stops.


What’s the likelihood of Magnusson getting the “overtake of the day” award. It would be the ultimate slow hand clap😂

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More like the “overdo of the day” award.

Must say I find it hard to believe that no action followed that collision with Perez. It looked a near miracle that Perez was able to walk away from a total wreck. It just did not look like a ‘racing incident’ and wonder if Magnusson’s precarious points position in any way influenced the FIA decision to take no action. Bizarre decision.


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Especially given the penalties imposed on Ocon!

Compared to today’s one in Monaco, the Imola race was interesting…


Well Williams got points so i’m happy.

Having my eyes tested so didn’t see the race, gather that other than the crash action was minimal.

The question is will F1 take the decision to ditch Monaco as a venue?

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It’s about time indeed.


Blimey. OK, well done Charles but, c’mon…The TV crews didn’t even switch focus to the yachts and the girls. What’s the point?!

I suspect there may be a few more passes in the Indy 500, probably inside the first 3 laps, if it ever gets going.

I’m not Indy’s no.1 fan but chalk and cheese on the same day, weather permitting.

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They were too busy doing close ups of f^%*#g footballers and the Ferraris drivers(‘s) girlfriends.


Someone or other, whose name I forget now, but he has a silly little moustache, came 6th, which was a nice bonus to the Leclerc win.

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Danny came 6th? :grinning: