F1 - 2024 Season

This extremely talented lady should have a permanent F1 drive, how can drivers like Jamie not get a super licence whilst other nonentities seem to get them without having a modicum of talent.


Something to do with a certain legacy still prevalent in sport and the world in general.

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And the fact that “daddy” isn’t a multi billionaire team owner. I’m certain that cap must fit someone.


Made harder with his 3 place grid penalty for Spain… :rofl:


One has to reach Q3 for a grid penalty to really matter…

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I’m sure Mr Perez will look to prove his doubters wrong and win the next GP, he’ll have a good chance if he is in second place and George is leading. :roll_eyes:

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It would be nice to see, for sure she will be smashed by even an average ‘real’ f1 driver on track. And all f1 bosses know that that’s why no rush.

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Or either Ferarri leading, with rain coming in 9 minutes, and pitting with a choice of new inters or slicks… :stuck_out_tongue:

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So women can’t race F1, I hope that is not what you are saying.

Not that long ago Susie Wolf proved that she could drive an F1 car and be as fast as the men in practice, it was a shame that she wasn’t allowed to take it further and race.

There is no reason why Jamie or any other female driver cannot compete in F1, its about ability not gender.

Sure any driver needs to be physically able to withstand the forces involved but with women now flying fighter jets, piloting space shuttles and going into space, driving a F1 car shouldn’t pose a problem.

If F1 opened the door it wouldn’t take long for a woman to be winning races and to be a championship contender.

It would be good to have more women in F1 at every level from the top downwards.

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F1 drivers are this good as they get the opportunity to race and train since they can juyst about walk. The reason there are no female F1 drivers is because women did not get this opportunity. Sadly a self fulfilling prophecy for now.

But good to see there are steps being made in the right direction.

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I don’t think it’s that simple unfortunately, it would need to start at the bottom, not the top. 99 out of a 100 drivers in junior formulae are men. There’s a much bigger pool of those to choose from, so assuming there’s no sex inherently better at racing, statistically it’s more likely to be a man that makes it to F1. Let alone win the championship.

Purely looking at F1, I think many teams would love a (successful) woman, just think of the marketing opportunities it would bring. Just look at Danica Patrick in IndyCar a few years back.

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No more chances for him :joy::joy:

This is very much at the heart of it yes. Kinda like in IT where there is a majority of men as well. Not because women can’t do it, but because it was (is) seen as a male occupation and those in the occupation do not always do their best to make it more inclusive.

For sure that’s not what I’m saying, I would love to see girls racing alongside but only at fair f1 competition, no ghetto women racing or rules when my granny could win.

Yep, until Lewis showed her and her husband a proper ride at Silverstone I guess)

Well, the door is not closed. However you cannot just win in F1, even if you’re a woman :slight_smile: You have to win first in karting, then F3 etc.

F1 is a physical sport. Much more than football where you can compensate with good position play et cetera.

Thinking about it, F1 could impose a male and female driver per team.

The rules are pretty clear I think, I don’t think those are biased against her/women. But perhaps are biased against certain championships.

She qualifies for all criteria, except points. You need 40 over the last three seasons, and both W Series and IndyCar NXT grant you a max of 15. So two championship wins and a second place are required. If she could get a place in IndyCar proper next year, she will make it easier as there are 40 points for the winner alone.

Reading the above page I discovered there’s a “Free Practice Only Super Licence” which only requires 25 points. She should have 30 by my reckoning, so Williams could give her a chance?

No one is suggesting that if the door was open women would just walk in and win, but the like of Jamie and a good few other women are winning races but never seem to get any closer to F1, whereas a kid with a pot of money somehow gets a drive.

Women will never win in F1 if the door is never opened, there are lots of ways that F1 could be proactive in getting women into the top level of motorsport, for example sponsoring a female driver through F3/F2 or holding test days for female drivers or having them in actual practice sessions.

So much that could be done but so little that is actually happening.

The problem is money. No one is willing to risk sponsoring anyone that hasn’t already shown both drive and potential. Lewis broke through because he had the drive and potential. Sponsorship money came to him only after he had shown that. If women are allowed in to kart racing and then show that commitment and potential the money will go to them.