F1 - 2024 Season

Same as last race, Mercs and Norris + Ferraris tripping over themselves, while Verstappen scampers off.


Ah, but Max doesn’t scamper away as quick as he used too, nor does he scamper off into the distance, he is under observation all the time.

That has to be good for the sport.


Indeed! That benefits all of us.

Its difficult for all the others when Max is driving as good as he is and so consistly.
Lando was excellent but shouldnt have squeezed him at the start allowing George through. I think Lando doing the longer first stint was a mistake and lost him time to Max. But what a season its been!


Sssht, I don’t think were allowed to mention there’s anything good about him. At least that’s what the English commentators seemingly have been told. If there’s any value judgement at all, it’s about the car.

It’s different of course when talking about Norris, Russel or Hamilton…

I thought it had improved when I tried it a few races back, but perhaps that was just a fluke.


yes totally agree. Its quite ridiculous. We are witnessing possible the greatest all round driver in history. And I am British but recognise supreme talent when I see it.


I think Max is an excellent driver and worthy of his wins. I also think Russel is not at the same level as Max or Lewis or Alonso. I will continue to call out Max, or any other driver that forces another driver of the road. Max has settled down and I hope he stays that way as other drivers start to get close to him. Schumacher, Vettel, and Max all have form in being overly aggressive when pushed hard.


That is why I enjoy the F1TV English commentary. They are certainly not missing out on witnessing and mentioning one of the all time greats in his prime.

I find that one quite bad as well TBH, and in several other ways as well.

They treat the audience as morons, over explaining everything. The are weirdly enthusiastic about stuff that happened two corners previously. (Commentating it as if it’s happening live with the outcome yet unknown). And the northern Irish woman/girl is impossible to understand (to this non-native speaker at least).

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That’s of course completely fair, calling out faults as well. My issue is when the driver is essentially ignored, other than where they must mentioning him because it’s relevant to the order or a British driver is gaining on him. And then they prefer to point out how good the car is instead of mentioning the skill of the driver, despite his teammate in the same car being far behind him.


I take it you don’t like them, then? :laughing:

Different strokes, I guess.

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Tbf, George barely exists in the British press. If the news is relating details of quali or a race, it’s always about where Lewis is/was and now Lando too, as he’s challenging Max, almost nothing about George even if he’s ahead of either or both of them!


That’s interesting because Lewis has been very aggressive in the past and ran Carlos off the track yesterday. Any driver worth his salt has to be aggressive or won’t be considered tough enough

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Thats a matter of perception though. The stewards didn’t think Lewis ran Carlos off the road.

I am not a fan of Verstappen but since he got the first WDC he has dramatically reduced his tendency to drive into anyone who is trying to overtake him. It’s made for much better racing

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The stewards may not get it right…
Other forces at work…

Largely because it’s rare anyone gets near him.

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A couple of seasons before the first WDC Max managed to crash at the first 5 GP’s.

I think someone at Red Bull, perhaps forcibly, reminded him of the oft quoted adage ‘to finish first, first you have to finish’.

His driving style changed from then to ‘more brain & less brawn’. He doesn’t seem to have looked back since then & has displayed a far more mature attitude & been rather more successful as a consequence.

Perhaps he changed after trying it on with Lewis at Copse in 2021, which didn’t end well?

Whatever the rights & wrongs of that incident, it was certainly a case of not putting his brain in gear.

Clearly the faster car on the day, I have no idea why he was so desperate to pass Lewis on the first lap when he could have easily passed at any time in the following 50 or so laps.

The collision reduced his championship lead from 31 to 6 points when, even settling for 2nd place would still have left him with a 25 point lead & probably avoided the frantic final race on Abui Dhabi. The analytical Prost’s, Schumacher’s & Hamilton’s etc. would have worked that out & let Lewis have the corner & lived to fight on.

I suspect today’s MV would have also given LH the corner.