F1 - 2024 Season

Cannot help to notice how within a few replies the Hamilton / Sainz incident is mentioned to have been cleared by the stewards. But the copse incident where Hamilton got a penalty for causing a collision from the stewards is still said to be Max’s fault :laughing:

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George used to get lots of press, and good press at that, but that was when he was Mr Saturday, dragging that under performing Williams into Q2 and then Q3.

Now at Mercedes, the British press continue to be bullish about LH in preference to GR, it wouldn’t surprise me if Lewis at Ferrari in 2025 doesn’t get soundly beaten by GR in the slowly improving Mercedes.

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That accident at Silverstone was Lewis’s fault 100% off the racing line and collecting the car outside you as you drift out. I thought this had been put to bed. A racer is always a racer and they both are. The same would happen tomorrow if the circumstances were the same. Also there is no way you can say Max had the faster car, it was Max rising to challenge and Lewis wanting to show the challenger who was boss. Proving True champions both!


It doesn’t matter whose fault it was. Max had everything to loose, & on this occasion, he did. A more experienced driver may have felt aggrieved but would have conceded the corner, knowing he had the entire race to regain the place.

Also, the Red Bull was clearly the better car for the first half of the season, hence the remaining races being so exiting as Mercedes gradually improved their car until, by the final race, there was nothing in it.

We are obviously taking about a different incident and a different season, posssibly different drivers too


We are obviously not, & my post has nothing whatsoever to do with apportioning blame.

The discussion was simply about MV turning from a hot headed young driver into the superb, mature one he is today.

Reference to the Silverstone incident was merely to illustrate how he gave away 25 points to a rival in circumstances that he most certainly would not do so now.

Thats a fair point but he was in with a chance of the world championship for the first time, any of the greats would do the same and wouldn’t be good enough if they didn’t. You simply don’t give places away easily and you don’t want a reputation you are easy.

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I’m not convinced at all that he wouldn’t do that now. Mainly because he has had no need since then to “put it on the line” because no one has pushed him that hard. Over the last 2 races, he has certainly been pushed hard, but not to the point yet where he has had to put a race win “on the line”.
I suspect that Max, when put in that position, will fall back to the Max of old and absolutely will take someone off. Even before he does it, we will all know that he’s going to do it…and within seconds Horner will be blaming the other driver over the radio to Race Control.

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Today’s Max would calculate the possible cost to himself before doing anything drastic.

The Silverstone Max of 2021 appeared, to me, to have a rush or blood to the head & was simply not going to let LH get away with what he felt was his corner, regardless of the consequences to himself.

I am still struggling how people infer that Silverstone accident was Max’s fault, it was 2 drivers with the same mindset.


Agree, no one is mentioning Hamilton’s decision making there. That he could continue and win the race was hardly a predictable outcome, him taking both off was far more likely. How is that different from what’s said about Verstappen’s decision making in this thread?


By the time the NAP 3000 AI Cold Fusion edition is released he will still be singled out on this forum for driving into everyone. Regardless of what others drivers have done or all the clean fighting between him in many drivers out there by now.

My post yesterday of mentioning Max and Copse in the same sentence was like lighting some blue touch paper. I did wonder when I posted it. Lol.



Lewis is a damn fine driver but he has been known to give drivers helping hand in damaging their cars, just ask Mr Rosberg, he was on the end of a number of questionable LH overtakes where he ended up with a damaged car whilst Lewis was able to carry on.

Max is no angel in this either but people do gloss over some of LH’s errors.


Yes, I felt that refering to it was the easiest way of describing how Max’s racing brain has matured & developed from the original ‘mad Max’ days when he first entered F1.

Any fool could see that Silverstone was MV’s fault…or LH’s…

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Love this :laughing:. You, Sir, are correct!

Yep, but tbf Lewis has been driving for about 106 years now, the mileage alone would lead to a fair number of biffs just on averages alone…

And I’m sure in those 106 years Mr H learnt how to give his opponents a nudge without damaging his own car.


I was watching a re-cap of the Spanish GP and I’m sure someone said that Max has won 50 of the last 75 GPs.
Is that correct?