F1 - 2024 Season

Max got punished this time, prior to that he has been away at the front, all alone whilst everyone else raced each other, how often in recent years has Max broken all these rules?

Racing requires competitors to get close to each other unfortunately sometimes they hit each other, its happened to a lot of drivers, Hamilton hasn’t been an angel in this over the years nor have some of the others, Senna/Prost springs to mind as one of the more infamous racings incidents.

An F1 driver is single minded, they want to win, sometimes that single-mindedness gets in the way.


yeah. If all the F1 drivers are doves it would be a boring race. You are in it to win so of course they would stretch the limit of regulations. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose.

That said, Ocon incident in Monaco was down right reckless. And he def. deserved the punishment.


Yes, I was going to say the same thing. Senna had many of the same occurrences without any devastating penalties.


When the incident happened on Sunday I muted this thread, knowing that the torches were being lit and pitchforks sharpened, and it did not disappoint LOL

FWIW I am not happy about the incident either, but I wonder what anyone else fighting for a WDC would have done?

What is interesting is reading Max being compared to Senna and Schumacher. Yet they are revered as all time greats and Max is said to be

Max is there to win, not inspire love on forums. He will operate in the grey areas until the FIA nails them tight. And why shouldn’t he?

And no I am not condoning unsportsmanlike behavior by saying this, but I predict in a few years time Max will be part of the list of all time greats, people saying things like “Yeah he was aggressive but many of the greats were” and F1 will not have been destroyed and in shambled as suggested here.


Schumacher and Senna weren’t universally adored. They both had dubious standards and despite their talent, were consistently criticised. It’s easy to overlook these traits if you are a bit of a fanboy, but most would condemn their antics.
I personally never had any time for Senna or Shumi for their on track behaviour, and feel the same way about any driver who acts in a like manner, regardless of the number of WDC titles they hold.


I’m not talking about then, but about now. And expressly said I do not condone it.

But it is clearly a trait of some of the greats, so nothing new now. And I think the fans are far more upset about it than the drivers themselves.

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I still don’t hold Schumi and Senna in high regard. Their tactics will always overshadow their achievements, even now. Some people don’t see it like that though, and that’s fine for them. There are plenty of musicians with dubious reputation for various criminal acts, and some remain insanely popular despite their transgressions, others though are cast into firey damnation for eternity. Strange how a more successful artist manages to overcome things that destroy someone less successful. Is Occon all that different to MV, although not as quick or successful, he ultimately is a ruthless in his on track antics.

Whoa, did you just compare moving under braking with actual criminal activity?

This is kind of what I was trying to say. Sure not everyone needs to like MV or agree with what he does. But the vitriol towards him on this forum reaches heights like this.

It makes actual discussing anything around him hard and extremely reactive.

Calm down, no need to be like that. It was an example of how success can overcome reputational damage from other acts. I compared criminals with criminals and drivers with drivers!!!
It is quite comical is certain members here can’t hear a single bad work about MV, regardless of the incident. No different to people supporting LH I suppose, but I’m a racing fan and judge drivers according to their actions, regardless of team or nationality. I have always said MV is the most talented on the grid and marvel at what he gets out of the RB, which no other driver can manage. But he is, in my opinion, the most flawed, just like Shumi.


I had to point that out, though :smile: Come-on, wouldn’t you have? Or was I moving under breaking? :laughing:

If I give that impression it is lost in digital translation or something. I was upset with Max and really felt for Lando as well. The thing is here it is never a single bad word, it can get pretty intense around the man.

So as his enormous success is rarely celebrated here the MV fans end up defending him as most chatter around him can be quite negative. So then, I suppose, it seems that that is all we do.

I do understand it though, on a Dutch forum it would probably be the other way around. Just want to have nice hobby discussions as well. They should just stop selling those pesky Naim units here which keeps attracting us to the forum :laughing:

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Max is one of those people who will always divide opinion, or as we say in these parts “a marmite person” you either love him or hate him and there is not much middle ground. That comes only to certain people, and the aforementioned Schumi and Senna fall well within that category. Someone like Albon or Russell just don’t impact people in such a significant way, so the needle doesn’t swing so far.
We all want to see good racing and I’m sure we will now the teams have caught up to RB. I just hope we don’t have any incidents this weekend to further fuel the fires.

When you step back and look at it, what winds people up the most? The press love to hype it all up and goad the teams and drivers. I also believe they should do away with ship to shore radios. Stick it on the pit board or it doesn’t get said, simple. Hearing Lando and Max complain on the radio last week was a real low point for me and it’s getting g to the point where I will put music over the images so I don’t have to listen to them. I’ve already stopped watching all of the pre and post race nonsense on Sky and just find the sensationalist tripe a step too far.

I was a Silverstone in 2013 when LH had a tyre blow (remember the Perelli exploding tyre era). Rossberg won and got the biggest boo on the podium. Webber came second and was cheered like you wouldn’t believe. It was a bit of a pantomime and not one I like to see repeated in F1. I’m hoping for a good race and an exciting second half of the season.


And luckily I come from South Africa originally, so Marmite is well known :laughing: Guess that is why I like MV, as I like Marmite as well!

But seriously, this was a very cool comment to read from you. Agreed.

I so agree with the media and commentators blowing up the sensation. But it’s obviously to fill seats. They had trouble selling out Silverstone… Max hits Norris… problem solved. It is sadly going to sell more seats and merch than having one driver pootling to the checkered flag 25 seconds ahead of everyone. I think that is why it is allowed by the stewards as far as it is.

But by doing that the fans think they have to do it too and start hitting each other as well :disappointed:

I almost wish for the Red Bull or the McLaren to be 30 seconds in front of the other just to have a peaceful Silverstone!

This applies to most drivers, especially successful ones.

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I don’t think of Senna as one of the all-time greats at all. Schumacher yes, Prost yes, Fangio and Moss yes, even Lauda and Hunt … but not Senna.
I believe I’m one of the few with this opinion tho. :confused:

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Senna is immortalised because he met with a dramatic tragic end.

Why do you think Senna is below other drivers you mentioned strictly from his driving capability?

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Yes, partially that. I didn’t like, or at least, had no respect for his driving style and his mad little boy behavior when interacting with other drivers. There are other things, but I don’t wish to annoy other members here whom are avid Senna fans. I’m just one of the weird ones that isn’t. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:




I have to question this,
Hunt is an all time great and not Senna?? I think you should get your water checked, I think they are putting something in it. I met him a few times in the early 90’s and he was on another level in the publics appreciation, he was a living legend. Ask anyone who raced him and he was at the top. Indeed Gerhard Berger only puts Max up with him.
I think Pele was the greatest golfer of all time.

Hunt was great for punching people too.
Can you imagine if Max behaved like that? :astonished:

Maybe we should put Russel in the all-time greats category then? :rofl: