F1 - 2024 Season

Poor Hanna was in tears. :expressionless:

Max behaved like a child who his parents just took his favourite toy. :roll_eyes:


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When Max had the fastest car he was being cited as the greatest ever driver quite regularly.
Now other teams have caught up he is causing contact with others on the track, keeping the stewards occupied, and as for what comes out of his mouth…
Interestingly, yesterday he was talking about his team as "they’ and not "we’ after the race.

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This page is getting even worse with driver insults. Calling a driver an entitled idiot says more about the writer.
How many times do we have to hear the same rediculous comments and personal insults.
Max is justifiably annoyed when put on a very poor strategy which put him well behind people he was quicker than on a track where overtaking is very difficult in equal cars.
Lando had a right to be very annoyed, in my opinion, having been run wide at the first corner by his teamate he then drove a great race, Oscar too, he was quickest by far and pulling away from Oscar. Oscar could have accepted Lando was quicker and let him win, because that was a pretty hollow victory.
Again the Peter Windsor youtube analogy is pretty much what I think and I value his opinion, no childish insults just based on a 50 year following of the sport.


Disagree - Max reverting to type…

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I fully agree. To utter this level of comments against a professional sportsman really says a lot. Although I did not expect any better.

Please read the stewards comments on it. Although deemed a racing incident they stated that Hamilton could also have done more to avoid the collision.

But one knows that if Max does anything these days this forum will light right up.

It really is pointless to actually try and discuss F1 here.


Well said. Totally agree.


not really, a meaningful discussion takes in all viewpoints. Note that even MV’s engineer referred to his behaviour on the radio as childish but does that say more about him?

Actually he didn’t. If you read he said. To discuss it here would be childish, so he didn’t.

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Also hardly valid viewpoints when they are biased insults.

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The core of what you say here is correct. It indeed does. But the level of hatred that rears its head every times wipes out actually discussions about the race if you are a Verstappen supporter. If it was indeed sharing viewpoints and discussing them fine, but really, read the comments above.

Am I happy about the radio chatter? No I am not. But I also realise that GP and Max has been having these kinds of discussions for years and that the media and broadcasting channels target specific spicy chats to for the drama value.

And if this makes Max instantly a crybaby entitled idiot, what then about the British driver who made his race engineer beg him repeatedly and got ignored for lap after lap and threw down his second place hat in the cooldown room and was quite nasty to Hamilton’s compliment.

The day we can discuss all of this here equally without the vitriol is the day one can have an F1 discussion on this forum.

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Both drivers could have done more to avoid the contact and it was evident that Max’s engineer thought Max could and should have avoided contact. Max is an excellent driver but yesterday he was acting like a petulant F3 driver. His behaviour indicates that he is feeling under pressure from Lando and others in a way he hasn’t for a few years. Unfortunately, I see more unnecessary contact occurring during the remainder of this season due to certain drivers not backing out of a move that has a minimal chance of working without contact unless someone backs out. Max is not the only driver who drives this way. Whilst Lewis tends not to, he won’t back down from Max now which is a big part of why contact occurred, whereas in the past he would have done so. Now Max has to learn a new way of engagement with Lewis that avoids them tangling and he definitely has the talent to do this. I remember the amazing battle in Hungary between Alonso and Hamilton a few years ago, it went on for many laps and got firey but was much cleaner with both drivers giving just enough space for each other despite the difficult history between them.


I can agree with this comment and this is the kind of comment that furthers an F1 discussion.

Also in the mix was them bringing upgrades that did not seem to work and somehow the RB strategy coming undone where it usually is spot on. So I can understand the frustration, but if Max had engaged differently or waited another lap of two he may have been on the podium.

Max sounded like a petulant little baby on the radio during the race. If he is not winning every race by 40 seconds, he becomes a whiny little b****.
I have defended him over the years, but yesterday we saw the real Max.


Cool, I’m out. Have at it.

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I have a feeling there’s more going on behind the scenes at Red Bull than we’re aware of. Max seemed particularly vexed all weekend and I’m wondering if his father and CH are at loggerheads again??

Maybe Toto will get his wish and we’ll see MV in a Mercedes next year!

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I would expect (hope) that both Max & Lando are ‘called in’ to have their cards marked.
Both bought their teams into disrepute.
Max because of his petulant expletive loaded rants & Lando for his refusal to follow team requests first time of asking.

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Max is a beacon of Sportsmanship. Instead of hiding the truth in nice words like many people more aligned to the English culture do, he’s just honest. From my Dutch perspective, he’s right and frankly very polite. If something sucks, it sucks and he said so. What’s wrong with that?

All that blah-di-blah about the team first / talking plural / we is just media training.

Culture differences :slight_smile:


Bad manners isn’t a culture thing it’s just poor behaviour no matter where your from. Max’s (and Landos) behaviour yesterday highlights just how removed these guys are from reality.

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I’m not so concerned about the chatter over the team radios - if it allows the drivers to let off some steam, no real harm done. I’m growing less impressed by the driver commentary aimed directly at the stewards to try and cry foul - appears to be happening more frequently and its all a bit pathetic ;similar in many ways to the poor behaviours we see week in week out in the premier league as players gather around the referee to lobby for yellow or red cards.

This comment may come across as biased however, I did feel yesterday that Max’s collision with Lewis was entirely predictable and very reminiscent of Max a couple of seasons ago. His behaviour has long been to ‘bully’ other drivers out of his way. Lewis put down a marker yonks ago that he would not concede to such tactics and this is what we saw play out yesterday. Why on earth should a driver steer out of the way of an opponent who clearly brakes late for a corner on the basis get out of my way or get hit? What is hugely frustrating is that Max is a fantastic driver - he has absolutely no need to be taking that approach, other than some sense of arrogance or entitlement. Such a shame as I have no doubt he had the car with which to pass Lewis fair and square. Michael Schumacher was another phenomenal driver who often showed that same attitude as Max when, again, there was no need.

Hoping sincerely that Max will give himself a good talking to and settle back into better behaviour on the track. I do wonder what role Adrian Newey has throughout the season and on race weekends; and whether his partial lock out since he announced he is leaving Red Bull is having a detrimental impact on the race car performances.
