Fault 61 repair and upgrade question

I have a Uniti Mark 1.

It has been suffering from fault 61 for some time. By rebooting, I’ve been able to live with it….just. I now want to have it fixed.

But, an even bigger issue is that since BBC radio revised their streaming settings last year, I haven’t been able to listen to BBC R3 and R4 on the Uniti.

Is it possible to upgrade my Uniti model to listen to BBC radio on the new streaming settings?



There is no reason why you can’t listen to R3 or 4 and it certainly doesn’t need a service to be able to do so. Just try a new search for it in the latest Naim app. Once you find it, it should be fine.

Check ribbons perhaps?

Thanks for the replies.

Re R3 and R4: if I try to get them via the app, instead of selecting what the Uniti has downloaded to its list, I get a message saying, “Due to changes to Tidal….you need to update your firmware.” I can’t update the firmware to the relevant level on this model. So, will an upgrade of the processor do the trick?

Re trying to fix it myself. Are the “ribbons” referred in the above post supposed to be on the outside? If so, there are none that I can see.

Thanks again.


Ribbon cables are inside.
You have to put firmware 4.8 to use Tidal.
There are links in this thread to get the instructions and the firmware exe file.

Firmware 4.8 does NOT apply to products running versions of Naim software prior to 3.00, or to any product with an n-Link connection. These will continue to function as they do currently – please DO NOT attempt the upgrade, which could stop your product from working at all.

If that applies to your uniti, the simplest solution is to plug a wiim streamer into it.

Ok. Will check. I guess Fault 61 still has to be addressed.

I should have said that BBC World Service streams perfectly. They did make any changes to it last year.



Does your Uniti have the later 24/192 streaming board fitted? If not, I believe Naim no longer have replacement boards available, in which case you are out of luck. No harm in asking, just in case they have managed to find a few boards, but I think it’s unlikely.

If BBC radio is important to you I would get an old Airport Express off eBay and connect it to the Uniti with an optical cable. Then you can use Airplay to stream BBC radio from the BBC Sounds app.

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I’ve asked the Naim local dealer to cost fixing Fault 61 and to see if it can be upgraded to Tidal.

I think I’ll run with just fixing the fault, if that’s all that can be done since it’s cheaper (I hope) than buying a new system.

Thanks all.


Tidal is a red herring here, but the firmware you need for the latest BBC streams is 4.8, which is also the firmware you need for Tidal, for which you also need the 192/24 board. The issue is the non-availability of that board - Naim have no more and the processor on it is also not available, so they cannot build more.

A repair on a Uniti 1 will be pretty expensive. I suspect you could probably buy a secondhand Uniti 2 for not much more than the cost of repairing the fault on your Uniti 1 and you would get the BBC and Tidal fixes at the same time.


Hadn’t thought about a second hand Uniti 2.

Good suggestion.



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