Football Season 2023/24

I hope Rowe takes notice of all our other ‘stars’ (except Maddison) who left for ‘bigger & better’ things at too young an age & couldn’t delivery on a bigger stage.

He should stay another season or two to hone his abilities before accepting the increased expectations a move to a larger club will bring.

He’s refusing to extend his contract and we only have an option for one year extension so I’ll be surprised if he’s with us next season.
However, if we go up he might extend but that is a huge IF!
The Mail may think it was convincing but it didn’t look it in the ground.
If West Brom had a Sargent or Rowe they would have won as they had the better chances.

Gruelling game against a team of time wasting thugs. Soft goal conceded, gilt edge chances missed but we got over the line and I’m glad to see the back of Preston. Let’s hope Norwich come to play football midweek. And football should not kick off at 12.00 noon. Flattest ER atmosphere in years.


The Mighty Whites controlled the game today against a Preston team who seemed, at times, to be more inclined to be playing rugby, rather than football.

I think their team bus probably took a wrong turn, as they seemed much more suited to a game at Headingley against Leeds Rhinos. :roll_eyes:

We’re now within 4 points of the automatic promotion places, and with a run of 5 / 6 winnable games coming next, let’s hope we can ease ourselves in there. :pray:



I never really get this aspect of that specific argument.

Football should not kick off at times which make it incredibly difficult to travel by public transport. I’m thinking at present specifically of Blackburn way next Monday night but there are numerous more idiotic examples.

Football, like anything else, benefits from moderation. Do I need or want it 7 days a week, or even 4? I do not. There are so many other aspects of life to be enjoyed.

The argument that kick off times impact atmosphere? Well yes I think they do but, in my experience, only ever positively. Putting Wrexham at midday on Sunday gives me literally one bus, train, train combination to make kick off and means getting home can take 4 hours. It’s always been worth it. The changed kick off time adds a buzz of uniqueness. Ditto the very rare Friday night games or 45 minute early EFL Trophy kick offs. Never been in a better atmosphere than a ludicrous, offensive 6:30pm kick off to win the title against Boreham Wood.

I have to experience any poor atmosphere influenced by a kick off time. I usually wholly relate it to the tension within the game itself.

Elland Road at its best is a cauldron. A rare ground where all 4 sides of the stadium help to generate an intimidating atmosphere. Watching games on TV most grounds seem almost library like in comparison, some even need a drum or trumpet or singing section for goodness sake. Alcohol of course helps to fuel the atmosphere and there’s your 12:00 noon K.O problem. I appreciate this isn’t for everyone (I don’t drink before or during games as I drive 60 miles each way) but beer definitely fuels many in the ground & the atmosphere improves as a result. Add to that a side which came to play rugby and to waste time (endless stop/start) rather than take us on and you have a perfect storm. If Preston play like that every week (they have twice v us) I feel for their fans.


This I think is where it gets interesting. I went to every Elland Road game for 4 seasons in the 1980s as a student and go back every season. It’s noisy but has lessened over the years (not alone there to be fair). I absolutely agree that alcohol fuels some of the atmosphere.

I don’t agree that therefore early kick offs scupper that.

Certainly the atmosphere at Wrexham games is fuelled by supporters having The Turf on a corner of the ground; a fan zone next to the ground and the Maes Gwyn over the road. Midday kicks offs on either day of the weekend have never suffered because fans could barely get going at any of those locations. The time seems to add a frisson rather than detract. The only exceptions to that have been when we have found ourselves in a proper game and tensions have risen accordingly. I always found the same at Elland Road. Indeed most of the mates I attend with find ways to get a couple of hours drinking in pre match regardless. Very few change their habits based on timing.

We’ve increasing complaints this season that our atmosphere is not what it was last season. The reason is simple enough. Better division. Closer games. Nothing is easy. Preston started well and have fallen away. They are workmanlike in the manner of their manager but if you’re going to beat them then often won’t be doing it with pretty football and when see your team struggling to impose their game on a team practised at preventing exactly that then tensions rise and noise falls.

It was flat from the off today. It was flat outside the ground tbf. The frisson of excitement was missing. When everyone stood in grounds things were definitely different. But we’ve had electric atmospheres since seats arrived. A Spoon’s breakfast just isn’t enough to lift the roof.

My partner has no interest in the game unless Jack Grealish is playing. Imagine the scene: In she comes beaming from the farmers’ market on a sunny Sunday morning, laden with armfuls of fresh produce. Coffee on the stove. There might be Portuguese custard tarts from the artisan bakery. I will be glancing at the Sunday Times sport section for the match reports and pictures. All I get is, “Any pics of Jack?”


For mostly work reasons, I haven’t watched Saints since our 1-1 with Rotherham at home, Mike.

Though we have been on an incredible record-breaking run, I’m mindful something you said earlier in the season:

The manner of our four consecutive defeats before the undefeated run made me wonder if it was as you had said (I think you may have been talking very generally, not about Southampton) that teams are one poor appointment away from relegation. And I had wondered if that appointment was Russell Martin** for Saints.

My worries seem to have been proven wrong, and he has knitted us together.

** Known as Rylan to his detractors (!)

Yes I was talking generally.

Talking about Southampton specifically I have to say Martin has impressed and surprised me. He’s really stepped up and seems to be creating something potentially quite special. The strikers aren’t EPL quality but right now they don’t need to be. Having said all that I thought your last performance was a tad dodgy :slight_smile:

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Dodgy? Yes, I read that we should have been six up and half-time and let Swans back into the game in the last fifteen minutes.

Did you watch the highlights? Swansea defending was spectacularly awful but Saints seemed determined to match them. Somehow got away with it. Over a season you get games like that though.

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Understood. Radio and newspapers only here at Chateau Christophe. And as for the newspapers’ coverage of anything other than the Prem, don’t start me!

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The Mighty Whites got away with one tonight, wasteful in attack, and, at times, somewhat disorganised in defence.

Still, though we remain in fourth place, we have clawed back further points on Saints and Ipswich in the second and third positions, and I’m a firm believer in points in the bank being important as it puts pressure on our rivals.



Personally, I don’t think Saints are good enough for the Prem at the present time.

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That’s our season over, although I’ve suspected as much for some time.
Hope our young Sporting Director,Ben Knapper, moves on the dad’s army brigade and gives our young players a go next season.
Badly in need of a young coach with fresh ideas.
It won’t be an easy task with our current level of debt.

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Have to disagree. Norwich had a decent start then retreated behind their defensive wall. They had a couple of good chances in the first half. Second half they decided to play again and had the ball for 10/15 minutes without creating anything other than possession stats. I don’t think Messlier made a save second half as we defended them out of the game whilst missing at least 4 guilt edged chances. We should have won the game easily as we should against Preston. Norwich were well organised but lacked any flair I thought.

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Published today. Man City lose top spot.

Those Norwich fans at the game say we were poor. Unfortunately Rowe had an off night and he’s the one we rely on to produce something when all else fails.
I thought Leeds at Carrow Road looked a very good young side. Typical Farke to go for youth rather than our Dads Army.

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