For those tired of downsizing threads…

Statement use white dusters as you know you have gone to heaven! Or red again if you are not sure you made it!

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Do you have to use a different colour dependent on brain or brawn?

Had Isoblue before Fraim!

Depends on whether it’s 500 series again! Red 500 series. Blue or yellow other series. And be careful not to mix your dusters. Prep is everything. Follow a careful order of dusting.

Tbh I have stripped my system down so many times with changes that I just clean it all when I make changes. You can never clean it fully unless you strip it down. You are just spreading dust. You can improve it with these dusters for sure.

Even with full strip down within weeks it’s covered in dust. Just stay on top of it.

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This is true. I’ve tried those flat paddle dusters and they just move dust around the surface. I’m afraid that the only way to do it properly is to strip it all down, clean it all with glass cleaner and rebuild it.


Nine from Salisbury; or, ten if the Aro’s box counts :1234:


Did prefer the neatness of 5 boxes thou lol


6 sounds better thou :joy:


that is a very good looking setup

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Thanks mate…

I think the wall art made it sound better lol


Stacking police will come around and sort things sooner or later😅

Loving that look.

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Dan they are 926s. I have always been curious to try other speakers to hear the difference. They are the only decent speakers I have owned.

But sound advice on chasing something that may not be achievable. Not sure my ears are attuned to hear the small nuances if I am honest. Also, my level of distraction can be off the charts haha

There is a good little experiment for me to try- leaving on vs turning off/on each time. Only set it up last week so yet to leave it on continuously but that is a nice little task to play with.



I had 926 for ages and thought they were great!


An acquaintance of mine turned down a prospective date because he didn’t know what a “Swiffer” was :joy:

She has never lived down that insane admission. Additionally, our friendship may not have flourished early on if she asked me that similar question :wink:

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Enjoy your system @Woody. It all looks nicely set up! Will give you many years of great music listening!


They have before on this forum. It upset me and I stopped posting for a while because I felt so judged. Then I realized my system sounds divine and I’ve heard and sold many a Naim system on fraims or other racks that look and sound worse. My system is in my living room and enjoyed by my entire family as part of our daily lives.


Thank you :heart_hands:

Whilst I get the sensitivity around implied criticism of system setup, and those dealing it out ought to be aware of the effect they have on others, regardless if they themselves think that the advice is well intentioned. Is that particular acronym appropriate? :confused:

As it should be, yours looks like a real joy of a system.