For those tired of downsizing threads…

Perfectly happy with my Naim 8-box system, although it might become a Naim 6-box plus a non-Naim one or two box (i.e. for phono-stage).


@JosquinDesPrez love your C2 too !!! :smiley:

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I think those are end game speakers. I’ve had them over five years and never even think about anything else to replace them.

@JosquinDesPrez agreed… this series of Confidence speakers has a sweet sound that I am so used to …I was approached by some dealers wanting to promote their speakers to me, after many auditioning I still like my C1 sig. so I kept them until now, for 5 yrs already …so that’s feeling to them I supposed … not willing to let them go :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, and I have heard the replacements for my C2 Platinum, the Confidence 30. I just don’t like them as much. Good thing too, because they cost 50% more now. $24k in the U.S. The C2 Platinum were $16K when they went out of production. I got a significant discount from that because I bought them new after they were discontinued.

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Really classy space. Beautifully furnished.
Love that it’s a space for music, playing instruments, as well as listening to records…

Thanks for sharing :+1:

Happy listening


Shout out to the ps5 :wink:

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Love to see the tuner :radio:

Yep it’s a beauty NAT 01


Don’t know which brand diffuser/absorber you have but I had Vicoustic combined diffuser/absorber. Never got it right and sold them on. Today I have Vicoustic Multifuser wood between speakers and multifuser dc 3 on back walls with much improved sonics. More importantly, removing the combined diffuser/absorber and having nothing was better than having them. They added something negative to the sound in my setup. Food for thought😊

@Renegade6six . Gaming and music altogether :laughing:


Oh no not more food for thought! :slight_smile:

The panels behind speakers are GIK Acoustics diffuser/absorbers and behind me I have absorbers only. Everything sounds much better than nothing in my place. The slap eco is gone and acoustics are much more relaxes than without them. I’m sure I could do more and probably should but I’m in a good place right now so I’ll leave it as is for now :slight_smile:

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It is nice to look at the new Naim boxes, having seen them in the flesh I must say appearance is top notch.
Looking at the new Rega separates, they might be a contender if any (apart from older Naim kit of course)
I’ll never going to buy any of them, I think I need to remind myself.

These were pictures of my multi box system, with and without the LP12.



I do think about reducing box count for something simpler. I’m enjoying 3 stacks of Fraim and the 13 boxes. Things may change. Life changes things.

My living room has undergone massive changes from having multibox system. I got rid of one of the sofas and am now looking at getting rid of fish tank. It has become more and more of a dedicated listening room.

I have 4 kids who visit so it’s getting balance right.

Obviously having a sleek few box system makes life easier. I have seen guys on here with Linn DSM system looks interesring with upgradeable cartridges.

I have pursued a Naim journey and I guess like any journey I want to see it through…


Anyway, have just purchased a 500DR! Won on auction for a small price :joy:


Plan is to sell 135s, CDS2 and XPS2. 500DR cost £6100 including postage. It’s an original 500 made in 2000 upgraded to DR 2016. Looks in good condition online.


My corner this evening…


Not so humble!

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I am smiling so much. The price is so good. Can’t believe that I am finally getting a 500DR!