For those tired of downsizing threads…

That’s a crazy great buy. One of the same heritage sold here late last year for almost twice that.

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I did it @Mike_S. I am now a 500DR owner! Join us mate?


I am still smiling from the deal. I was prepared to spend £7500. Great news!

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Indeed. I have got used to the three Fraim racks and love it. Sometimes it’s more complicated though. As it’s not straight case of Brain and Brawn and you have to juggle differently.

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Err, at that price I would be tempted, but as I said, one sold for almost double that late last year, which was way too rich for me. Mind you, the used market here has tanked. Never say never, I reckon.

Really happy for you, especially with everything that is going on.

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One stack, 5 burndies and all the rest of the cables - and stopping them getting too friendly keeps me on my toes :upside_down_face:

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Thanks Mike. Really happy with deal. When boxes come will be pics and verdicts. It might sound a bit rough first few days. I know what to expect. Should be okay.

And then a break. I have at least two, possibly 4 upgrades planned:

Radikal 1 or 2
And a new mains block.

And if I get rid of CDS2 possibly a CD Transport.

Let’s see where we are year end what I have done.

I move pretty fast.

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So, to bring things back on topic. The 500DR is a classic case of not downsizing. Although I may reduce my box count with sale of items. Will sell 135s first. Let’s see what I get for them!

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That’s a cute l’il system

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@Dan_M wow well done !!! Excited for you … congrats :partying_face: A very good deal !

Positive energy Bro! See how it can help :innocent:

I’m not convinced downsizing is a trend. When I was in retail on the 90s, lifestyle systems outsold everything; integrated amps outsold pre and power amp combinations 10:1. Full seperates were always really niche.

What I think is happening is people are conflating changes in personal preference and circumstance with trends.

It’s a bit like having a two seater sports car in your 20s and driving about with your other unencumbered twenty something mates with their Audi TTs, Elises, etc. and then fast forward to your 40s with kids, maybe a garden to look after with frequent trips to B&Q (if that still exists) and you’ve swapped the sports car for a people carrier or SUV. So have your peers in similar circumstances. And then declaring, “the sports car is dead. These days it’s all people carriers. No one is buying sports cars.

With hifi, simpler was always more popular by miles. And hitting a point in life where priorities change and some things like hifi get simplified is not new.


At the end of the day, it is all Hi-Fi, whether single box or multi box.

I think that Linn has been very clever with their Selekt DSM, for example.

You can use this in a number of ways;

  • Solely as a streamer into a multi box separates system
  • As the front end for an AV system
  • As a single box system

This way, they are selling to all sectors within the Hi-Fi market.

I don’t think that there is any right or wrong with a manufacturer trying to appeal to segments of the market.

Additionally, if a manufacture makes most of its profit from selling single box systems, this allows them to still innovate and design separate systems.

Something that both Naim and Linn are doing.


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Another one from the non-minimalist club. Record collecting has not ceased since school days, I’ve had the LP12 since 1991 and it has been steadily upgraded since then. The Naim collection started in 2008, the dedicated music room just before lockdown and the latest additions are the NAT01 and B77. I have no desire the reduce the box count at all.


Great looking setup there @Bartman. A R2R is high on my list of purchases and that Revox looks very nice.

Here’s a rare shot of my system in full context of the room. The room is 20x12 ft and Mrs G and I do not feel it dominates the room. TV between the speakers is a non-negotiable requirement if I want the system in this room. Otherwise it goes in the other living room which is 15x14 ft. The sacrifices we make. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Still suffering with high box count :joy:


I was seriously considering a bid on that, so could have been bidding against each other. Glad I didn’t! Enjoy! :+1:

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Started in 1977 with a A+R A60. Discovered NAIM excellence somewhere around 1990 with a NAIT. Moved from vinyl through CD to full streaming and am now contemplating my next move to SC.

It’s been a long, steady climb with SQ improvements at every stage and I’ve no intention of jumping the green ship, especially as Classics become affordable on the “pre-loved” market.

Oh yeah, new rug. :wink: