For those tired of downsizing threads…

Those stands compliment the black SCM19s very nicely :+1:

You’re not wrong, C, although I chose them for SQ compatibility when the contact at ATC recommended them for the '19’s and I 2/3rds filled the legs with sand.

The visual appeal is some nice gravy, though.

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Oh I forgot I still have my A60 tucked away in my bedroom closet. That brings my hifi box count, excluding speakers and Musos to 21 boxes. 20 in use. 1 in the cupboard waiting to be recapped and converted for 100v.

So much for down sizing :smiley:


(Runs off to the cupboard to check)…

11 in total here. :joy::joy:

I went small . . . for my 2nd system which I finally set up after 2+ years in our new home in my man-cave loft area. Cable dressing will be a b*tch and the little boxes may stay on the floor but it sounds quite good!

UnitiQute2, NAP100, and a WiiM Pro for Roon/Qobuz integration. Dynaudio X12’s (long out of their catalog).


Nice collection of Quadrispire racks.


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More remotes than boxes :joy:


I find your thread heartening, @davidf , thank you.

We have no way of knowing but I sincerely hope that Naim’s separates are selling well. To me, the approach established by Naim in 1974 seem as good today.

Fear of reprisals by the forum’s Stacking Stasi prevents me posting pics… but one day I will :slight_smile:


Thanks Chris,
I wanted to start this thread for all of us “multi-boxers” since I was growing weary of the recent downsizing threads.
I see the appeal of simple 1 or 2 box systems- eventually may end up there myself …
Just wanted some group pride for all of us with multiple boxes.
Also want to now include 4 box systems as in the “club”
So turn up the volume, turn down the lights and watch the green glow (or white) and enjoy the wonderful music!


VERY impressive, Clive
All black works well visually

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Could be a struggle to fit in a 500dr ?


I was going to dust them but life is too short.
No more boxes planned unless the ‘qutes die on me (hidden away on the opposite side of the vestibule.


Slide the V1 over next to the Core, then loads of room for the 500, except it’s PS🤔

I’ve been looking at that 552dr. I blame you :rofl:

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Makes sense Mark. I would but I won’t. I mean can’t. Not just yet :rofl:

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No downsizing here, in fact you only see two thirds in this photo as I have a hidden extra table with more kit off to the left (Core, PSUs, Nak bx300, Marantz digital recorder etc.) and could really do with an extra Fraim stack…


You are our leader for a reason Richard! :joy:


All you are missing is a camera.


Your system looks wonderful as does the room @Graeme. Don’t change a thing. TV unit looks great as well. Like the low slung look. Everything works and your Mrs is happy. What more could you want?

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Absolutely wonderful @Bartman. Very impressive room and system set up. I love it!