Furutech Discussion

So, I’ve had nearly all my rhodium NCF connectors and plugs for about one week now (the final mains plug is arriving tomorrow along with a length of 4.1 dps cable, which I plan to feed into my XPS DR).

The FI -50 is lovely looking and you can immediately tell it is high quality. It’s a tricky connector to fit so the first one took me a while, but it’s fine once you understand how to do it although I wish I had watched the very good instructional videos Furutech have on YouTube first…

My Puritan Ultimate was the hardest to fit as it’s pretty thick and therefore hard to push through the IEC connector, but I got there in the end (after numerous rude words we spoken…).

Like others, my very first reaction was the system sounded a bit harsh and too bright; but after a week it has started to settle down and I’m very happy with the outcome. I tried swapping the cables out to do an A/B test and I was amazed at the difference in sonics when I put the NCF cables back in.

It is worth noting that I have also fitted SR purple fuses to each lead, including the one connecting the PSM156 to the mains socket. I realise muddies the waters but overall the impact is very impressive.

I will update you all again once the final plug arrives and it is in place. I probably should have prioritised that cable before the others, but it will be interesting to see what impact it has with everything else already in place.

I’m summary, would I do it again knowing what I know now? The answer is definitely yes, but it’s an expensive upgrade and you definitely need patience to let things settle down.


Wait until you try one of their Wall Sockets! It was a bumpy ride for sure but oh it’s so worth it.

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Yep, the wall socket is next on my list now I have experienced this upgrade settling down. I think I am going to try an MK one first based on Skeptical’s recommendation and also a very empty piggy bank for the time being :unamused:

One more tip to share many others probably already are very aware - do not buy tools from Amazon…terrible, cheap and wasteful knock offs from reputable, quality brands. I have ended up buying some very good torque screwdrivers, crimpers and pliers from Draper. This made the whole process very easy (once I had the know-how).

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Final ncf plug has arrived and is now in place to give it time to run in. I am genuinely surprised at the improvement its had. I just need to decide which cable I swap out for this…


I’ll likely have to purchase one of these to go along with the Furutech e-tp609. My assumption is the PC from the Wall to the e-tp609 is likely very important .

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I agree although given I have a Puritan 156 and ultimate cable feeding it, I’m going assume that’s best as a starting hypothesis and try this on my XPS/NDX2, 252 and 250 (in that order) first before trying it from the wall socket. I’ll share my opinion if helpful :+1:

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Just need to gear myself up for another nerve wracking and frustrating experience trying to strip the cable neatly and without making any mistakes…I am normally a very calm person, but this has tested my patience :rofl:

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Nice effort bringing all to a same level high quality!

Just noticing your green cable seems like pulling down a bit too much may be?


Thank you and also for pointing this out. Whist I’m working on the 4.1 DPS cable, I’m also going to also cut the green one to a better length. The loop combined with the thickness of the cable is the issue. I’ll update once I’ve uttered many swear words getting it done :grimacing:


In my experience, mains power cables and the way the components are powered from the wall socket directly to components or through power strip/conditioner, the difference here is the largest when compared to speaker cables and interconnects. I’ve spent a small fortune on mains power cables and power management accessories and it’s the best investment in my system. Speaker cables comes next in order of importance, interconnects bring the least difference in my system(s).


I knew mains cables made some difference based on the pleasant but not transformational uplift Powerlines provided. Thereafter, I remained sceptical of how much more could be extracted, given I was already using the “optimal” mains cables. I was very wrong; Sean Jacobs power block opened the floodgates but was a little raw and putting a high end Furutech plug on provided the perfect amount of control, without stemming the flow. I no longer have any doubt that properly sorted mains and mains cabling is so much more than a “tweak”.


I know the feeling - patience and cold beer on the side!

May be the Puritan could work easier at the higher position in the meantime?

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Yes, speaker cables in particular are equally as important but have the advantage that the upgrade and effect is done with just one simple step of plugging the new pair in, snap and all done.

For mains, while as or even possibly more critical, one has to make sure every single element and connector is good, no weak links from the wall socket to any of the units, mains block etc. and it’s a long process usually. You miss one and the effect is not the same. And then you have the uncertainty with the quality of the mains, interference from domestic noisy appliances etc. - all worth the effort but far more complex and unpredictable. I had replaced all non-copper connectors with Furutech when I realised I had left the wall socket and remember what a difference changing the bronze MK wall socket to a good copper Furutech made.


I’ll never forget changing to the Furutech wall socket (expensive but so worth it). I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The ups and down weren’t fun but the end result is a complete net positive. I doubt I would have done it without this thread and knowing @daren_p , @AHT and others went through it already.


I’m at least 3-4 cold beers down…this 4.1 cable is a tough one to terminate. Very tough housing on each of the cable layers and many of them!! Might call it a night and finish it off tomorrow…It is going to be worth it though :slight_smile: Good to hear others have had the same experience of mains cables bringing a noticeable improvement.


Re interconnects, I have found you can get a significant improvement; but the law of diminishing returns applies and in the case of Chord, the price goes in the opposite direction as you move up the range!


I was referring to XLR interconnects for non-Naim amps when I mentioned the difference is minimal. I own both Wireworld Silver Eclipse 8 XLR and Acrolink 8N-A2080III XLR and used to compare both in the main system. The Wireworld was bought new about £1k while the Acrolink was bought used £1.1k. Perhaps the top of the range Acrolink XLR (£4k) might bring a larger difference but I am not prepared to go there.

I tried Chord Signature TA DIN-XLR interconnects on my Naim amps previously and similarly the difference although appreciable wasn’t night and day. Agreed the law of diminishing returns usually apply.


Evaluating Furutech FI-32 Rhodium C19 on an Ultimate now. Let’s see how it goes.


I tried the NCF Clear Line plug in the empty socket next to the one for my mains block.
Initially I thought it gave a greater sense of space and a slightly clearer midrange. With extended listening I concluded that this was because it had messed up the bass extension and guitars in particular lacked some weight. The jangly bits were emphasised but the heavier strings were lacking bite.
Mine’s back in its box alongside another failed experiment- an iFi DC Blocker.

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Good to know! I thought about trying both of these items but figured my money would be better served elsewhere.