Glastonbury 2019

I didn’t recognise Kylie Minogue!

You must be lucky, lucky, lucky :smiley:


Mavis Staples ripping it up, with tightest little band ever. :+1:


I have rather a large soft spot for Kylie I had about a fifteen minute conversation with her once about vintage Levis in 1991 or 2 in a used clothing shop in the North Laines, Brighton and she was an absolute sweetheart and extremely attractive too.
Missed her set though but I’ll watch it on catch up.

The Comet IS Coming


Again the other half out pulling a night shift so we’re going to catch up on all these excellent sets over the next week.

Yep, Kylie was great.

The Cure. Brilliant.


Just watched Koffee looks like a young female Reggae star for the future excellent set.

Good to know. Avoided it as we’re going to see her launch MIF on Thursday night.

Blown away by The Chemical Brothers. Stunning lightshow and visuals powerfully evoking memories of seeing them live at festivals in the 90’s. Still on top of their game after twenty odd years- great stuff. And a lovely touch at the end, dedicating their set to the memory of Keith Prodigy.

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I agree. I’ve always loved the band but only saw them once, back in 1981. The way the set moved between light and dark was very well done and they played so many wonderful songs. It’s good to see a ‘proper’ rock band among all the rappy dancy stuff.

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Didn’t catch much of it on the BC. Kylie I though was over produced and not particularly exciting. Miley Cyrus was much of a genuine live rocky performance. Best “new” artist I saw was Billie Eilish, will be definitely be looking into her music.

The Billie Eilish album is really good actually. My nine year old daughter bought it and we listen to it a lot - perhaps a little too much!

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Apparently my nearly 9 year old granddaughter is into Billie Eilish, having moved on from Taylor Swift.

I caught the Miley Cyrus set and enjoyed it although I have never knowingly heard any of her music before.

Finally managed to watch The Killers set late last night and they where very good. Most of their music though was written with just such a scenario in mind and so with an audience behind them they will always do well, it did lack a bit of the atmosphere of two years ago when they played in one of the tents was it the John Peel stage?
Pet Shop Boys on the Pyramid stage on Saturday night didn’t really work but apart from that well done to the Killers for a great set.

Watched Vampire Weekend last night, first time I have heard anything by them, really enjoyed the set… can feel a trip to record store coming on.


I too struggle with the Stormzy frenzy and although I like a few tracks I started watching but after 3 tracks changed channels to the Other Stage and watched Tame Impala…best set of Glasto imho, thought they were superb! Isn’t it great when you hear a band that you know little of and then think …I NEED to hear more !!
Thought Miley Cyrus and Johnny Marr were good too :smiley:


Yet more Brexiteers admit youthful dalliance with drugs. Though they didn’t illegally purchase the drugs but ‘ found’ then stashed in their tent. :lying_face:

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Tame Impala where fantastic.