Glastonbury 2024

Pj, AURORA, heilung, LCD…no complaints so far.

PJ Harvey: wow


I caught up with Olivia Dean on IPlayer, loved the songs and as you say what a lovely young woman. How cool to wear a shirt with a picture of your grandmother on the Pyramid stage.


I remember the times I went there was a Greenpeace spokesperson making an anti capitalist speech at the start on the main stage. Does that still go on ? :innocent:

Peej - definitely the set of the day for me. Amazing performance


I have to say the TV music SQ this year (via Naim of course) is exceptional.
Caveat: that’s not a general compliment to all bands/singer/genre. Maybe my old brit blues days are over, but let’s have some real rock ‘n roll !!!

Big sadness is this year is it’s the first time my 9 year old grandson has missed Glasto, his first time was 4 months before birth and he’s been every year since.

I was looking forward to Fontaines DC as I had heard good things about them. Not for me though. Paul Heaton was fun. Norman looked like he was having fun. As for Dexys, I don’t think I have ever heard a band play and sing so out of tune without realising it themselves!

Often at big live events the quality of playing lacks a little, but is unnoticed due to the volumes, and the adrenalin of the crowd not noticing detail. It’s common that live albums are often corrected before they go out. However I must agree, the SQ and playing quality (through Naim) is very impressive

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A journalist friend of mine said just now: “The last thing the world needs is a middle aged man’s opinion on Dua Lipa, but this [her Glasto set] is rubbish, isn’t it? It’s like a Eurovision Song Contest organised by Enver Hoxha, with one contestant and enforced cheering”.

[For those who don’t get the Hoxha reference, Dua Lipa is half Albanian]


Jungle were great but they’re one of very few acts on this years bill that I’d pay to see

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I enjoyed Duo Lipa, but spent a lot of time trying to figure out if she was singing live.

It was pure pop fun and I know had I been there it would have been perfect dance/disco fun.


Yes, I agree with you there, listened to the first two of his songs then turned over, went back when PJ came on.

It’s a pity really I have two of Dexy’s albums and I think his voice sounds good, enjoyable.

Edit: but I’m listening through TV speakers so not the best.

I watched Dexy’s on IPlayer this morning, and sadly I turned off after 4 songs, KR’s voice seemed totally shot.


I thought that Dua Lipa’s set, the small part that I watched at any rate, looked like a lap dancing club, not that I’ve ever been to a lap dancing club :grinning:


Glastonbury always seems to choose the acts people want to see which is why it has survived and thrived for so long. I don’t always like the acts that are on but the vast majority deserve to be there as they are excellent even if they are not to my taste. So this year PJ Harvey has been my highlight. Idles are far from a favourite band but I was very impressed by them, a very tight group of musicians and clearly deserve the adulation they get from their fanbase. Fontaines DC will be listened to on Iplayer of the next week or so.


Watching Lankum at the moment. Irish folk with a smoke machine and some strange noises. Got the crowd jigging. Enjoyable. Radie Peat sings ‘Go dig my grave’ - a murder ballad as encore.

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Take a look at Nitin Sawhney’s set on iplayer. Fabulous musicianship, excellent SQ. Highly recommended.


Glass as in northern or southern pronunciation? (Gl ass or Gl arse?)

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Only a total arse would use the second option.

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