Glastonbury 2024


I’ve not even accepted people calling it Glasto.

Glarstonbury could completely break me !

What about “Glasters”? :grimacing:

:scream: :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

That’s on my bucket list. :blush:

I thought her songs/performance where generally very good, although I FF’d through quite a few songs.
Although I can see why she wouldn’t appeal to people who mainly listen to the Rolling stones.

The standout performance on Friday was Sampha IMO.

Just watched yesterday’s broadcasts. I was thankful for the Fast Forward control.

It’s come to this, then. Feeble twiddling drivel surrounding Corporate Nightmare Showbiz Bull**** and fawning, self-congratulatory smarm from a bunch of know-nothing careerist “presenters”.

Can’t express myself the way I want to or I might get banned.

On this showing, I think it’s time to give up and accept that The Music really has died.


Stumbled into Coldplay’s headline set by accident and they’re turning in a decent performance. I’m not a fan, but I’m not feeling any overriding desire to find something else…:man_shrugging:t2:


Doing the same here - enjoying excellent visuals via the 4K UHD feed on iPlayer.

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LOL, I lasted five minutes…….

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Can’t be doing with Coldplay myself but that’s not really the point. The headliners need to put on a show & watching some of it with Mrs twofifty it’s clear Coldplay put on a show.


There’s more continuous smiles in the crowd than at any recent England game!


I have never seen a broader based audience so invested in supporting a performance.
This audience is 200% committed to this performance and loving every minute of it.
I’m not a Coldplay fan but that was something to behold.


That was a great show by Coldplay.


Enjoyed the Orbital vibe.


I enjoyed the Coldplay set. I’m not a fan but thought their performance this evening was really good.


I used to like watching the Glastonbury highlights, but was finding over the years that I was fast forwarding more and more.

When it got to the stage that there was more FF then play, I stopped watching it and haven’t find so for while now.

I found that I was doing a similar thing with Jools Holland’s Hootenanny, so I’ve stopped watching that also.

Shame, as I liked JH in The Tube, Squeeze and his Rhythm and Blues Band.


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I agree Diggy.
I used to enjoy the Hootenanny and his “Later with…” show, but significant FFwd use basically led to giving up completely a couple of years ago.
I enjoyed Coldplay’s performance last night, which was an accidental viewing to begin with, but I can’t say I enjoyed the music. That seems a bit strange I concede, but for me the performance exceeded the content🤷🏻‍♂️

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As there is already a Glastonbury 2024 thread in the music section perhaps @Richard.Dane could merge?

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Agreed. Threads merged.

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Old blokes watching TV don’t get Glastonbury. :rofl: