Glastonbury 2024

Seasick Steve givin’ it plenty on The Pyramid Stage, with Luther Dickinson for company.

Hell, yeah,


Yep totally agree with you. Glastonbury plus Wimbledon make the license fee worth every penny for me.

What’s to get? I’ve not just been there. I’ve played it when it was meaningful, not some celebration of mediocrity and big business suck-uppery.



I resemble that remark……“All a bit young for me.” :laughing:

OTOH, last year we spent four solid days streaming the Wacken Metal Festival at the beginning of August, and will probably do so this year.


Sorry guys, old man meself but really TV coverage of a live festival disappointing? Predictable really.

So far, I think I found more to enjoy last year, but I’m sure I’ll find some nuggets on iplayer in due course. I caught a glimpse of Beth Ditto last night - not sure if she had problems with her in-ears / was drunk, or possibly both. I’ll have to catch up with it later to see if she continued to miss all her notes. It still makes my VPN fee to Liberty Shield worth it, here in Madeira each June. There’s no doubt, for me anyway, that anyone just using Tv sound is certainly not getting the best out of it.

Shame that the brilliant Albert Lee wasn’t featured in the Beeb coverage. He was playing in the acoustic tent on Saturday at the end of a U.K. tour. Still going strong aged 80, a truly great guitarist and an unassuming and kindly bloke.
Albert’s new album ´Lay it down’ will be released on Tuesday


Fastest fingers in town

Mdou Moctar electric guitar with Tuareg influence from Niger. Park Stage live stream. Fabulous player.

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Mr Cholmondley-Warner.

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Worst Glasto lineup in living (ie my) memory. Standout so far was ColdPlay and that is saying something as I think they are the most boring band on earth.

Olivia Dean was “nice”. But the rest no,no,no.

Must try harder next year !


Spot on…

I am surprised you even managed 4 songs. 4 seconds was enough for me …total crap!

London Grammar just started their set. Great start


Toyah and Robert Fripp were flipping brilliant


As was Baby Queen

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Ok, just caught 5 minutes of “SZA”…:man_facepalming:t2:
That will do for Glastonbury for me this year🙄

I’m off to bed. Can’t watch this .

I would pay money not to watch this stuff.

As it’s funded via BBC Licence fee, you can :smile:


It seems that whether you like the musician/band, there needs to be a show. And SZA seems to have missed that memo! Really disappointing especially for a headliner. However as others have said, I’m not her core audience.

To me too many of the singers, as I say to me, have been out of tune or key maybe overwhelmed by the event.

As always, the smaller tents have had the interesting acts. Brittany Howard among them