Hell is

Reading the boss’ mind was very easy in most instances – the blank stares were a real giveaway :grin:


Do you use mobile phones?

I don’t think anyone picked up on this, but a friend of ours and her “partner” have just flown to Germany to do a one week Danube cruise and I am just so glad that it’s not us doing it, I can’t tell you.


Investing a fortune in the system, worrying about the noise floor on the various components, siting, listening position, cable dressing etc. just to have the dog bark stupidly throughout the entire listening session because she hears ‘voices’ from another room and panics.

I’ve been waiting for someone else to do it but looks like I’ll have to step up myself.

“Hell is in hello”



From my Facebook page from Malta today

My idea of hell, probably larger than a Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carrier with far more people


Hell can also be something very enjoyable. Just opened the second one.


But back to the topic. This is already very close to hell. And no, I don’t mean the Atom.


People wearing clogs on stone floors when you a trying to hear the dialog spoken in a strong dialect.

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:scream: :scream: :scream:

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Most people who moan about little kids clearly have never had any of their own.

Screaming kids on aeroplanes or restaurants etc. don’t stress me. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. It’s life.

Please lay off the parents - they are usually more stressed about it than you.

A few however, sadly not.


I have to say, if there is one thing I hate it is trying to enjoy a nice restaurant or event and there to be kids out of control, screaming, running around, being a real nuisance to everyone. Just absolutely obnoxious.

And then to add insult to injury, I have to take them home with me.

Having kids has aged me terribly. The mirror tells me that in 7 years, it has added 20.


That reminds me of an occasion that wasn’t actually hell, but was very embarrassing. I was having a test drive of an ex-dem Alfasud with a dealer (in the days that buying an Alfasud was something that people did). My wife was in the back with our baby and the dealer was next to me in the front. I did a quick cornering manoeuvre and our son was promptly sick all over my wife and the cloth-covered rear seat. It was pungent.

We didn’t buy that car, but did buy one from another dealer. A few years later I traded in that Alfasud with the first dealer and he asked why I had bought that one rather than the one he had tried to sell me. (He remembered!) It was hellish trying to think of an excuse on the spur of the moment. I wanted to say “because it smelled of baby sick” but that wasn’t going to help! It was however basically the actual truth though.



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A few years back I did the man-maths and reckoned I’d ‘mislaid’ 10 years. I still have this feeling that the 90s were recent times! Similarly I feel like I’ve ‘mislaid’ 4 months of 2023. Or, I’m just getting old.


I totally get where you are coming from. If someone asks me to name a recent movie, I say “The Matrix”.

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I still haven’t got round to seeing that. One day I suppose. Although (spoiler alert) there are sequels apparently so I’m guessing the first one turns out OK!

I also think there are references from it like ‘red-pilled’ that I don’t fully understand. I’m looking forward to my education.

You are of course correct! A local brewery here also makes a very pleasant hell.

Translation: Hel & Verdoemenis in Dutch means Hell & Damnation :laughing:


A gentle brain teaser:
Most organisations have a pattern for staff email addresses.

The last school I worked in had the pattern: first name initial / surname / @ school name.

A colleague, Helen Ellis, was very proud of her email address leading her to maintain her surname when she married. Not sure it presented the most professional image!


I think we’ve all lost two or three years recently with Covid lockdowns. There’s life before Covid and life after Covid. Then there’s this void between.