Here we go its vinyl time

Hi Dunc, that’s the easiest upgrade by far. Don’t get caught in that rabbit hole of vinyl tweaks until you’re ready…:grinning:.


Yes! And I have been preparing and stocking up with a moderate vinyl collection. With a mere 20 records I am not where I wanted to be when buying our first turntable, but I didn’t want to pass on this opportunity.

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Thanks, I am very excited. Fortunately, it is not up to me to question my dealer’s assessment, but I feel certain I am getting a really great deal. Now for the wait on delivery and hoping the new Quadraspire rack will arrive soon to accommodate the P8’s position.

Enjoy the music…my Apheta 3 is best at 1.9g … and of course needed about 30 hrs to run in.

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Congrats on your purchase. It’s probably the best deck for money you could find. And so musical, specially for our common jazz rock albums from the 70’s. You will be very surprised at how much life comes from them with the P8.

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Prepare your wallet for the avalanche of vinyl purchasing that will follow…


You could take a look at Reverb, there is a spanish dealer out there who offers new P10 for moderate prices. Maybe it is worth a contact.

Bonne chance

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Thanks, but the dealer can take my Rp10 / Delos in part as exchange, if I buy a new deck from him. Then it can make me 5% for the total price.
The other solution is to sell my Rp10/ Delos and wait several months for the selling. Then buy elsewhere.
I prefer the first solution.

Oh how we would laff if it sounded better than what you have :joy::joy:

It sounds better, it’s a Lp12 karoussel inside :joy::joy::joy:

Or a Garrard 301…


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Eventually you’ll see the LP12 light FR. It’s inevitable… :smiley::smiley:

Looking forward to seeing you on the ‘Show us your Sondek’ thread. :wink:


Personally, I would be wary of deciding which is the better sound. My description would be:
The P10 is the more agile sound…
…the LP12 is the more heavyweight sound (I have never heard Klimax LP12 though).
I prefer the agility, but it is a matter of choice.

I compared once Rega P9 / Lyra cart/ Rega IOS reference vs top Lp12 some years ago( 15 years ago).
I couldn’t find that the more than twice expensive Lp12 sounded better. Different, yes.
I then bought an SME 20/2 SME V. For me the level of sound was really at much higher step. From the first seconds.

I accept this fate! Just need a good strategy, a set of rules to keep myself in check and I will be fine :sunglasses:

Thank you fr!

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1.9 or close to it is what I have been reading as well, thank you for the help.

FR as you’re a jazz lover, I think you should listen to a current Klimax LP12 before buying anything else. Based om my experience it is vastly different from the deck you heard 15 years ago. Then at least you’ll know for sure.


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Indeed, I have never known Linn to offer an upgrade that is not a substantial improvement over what preceded it.
…although I do not agree that one TT is better at certain genres. Music is music!

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That’s not what I meant, although it may have sounded like that.

I was trying to say that recent LP12 upgrades make a substantial difference in its ability to play acoustic music like jazz and classical, and that since FR is a jazz connoisseur he would benefit from them.
