Here we go its vinyl time

Totally agree about unipivots…if you are a little obsessive, you just can never be sure that they are 100% set up!

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Great stuff @Dunc.

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Congratulations you lucky so and so well done

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Congratulations Dunc. You have the foundation set for years of musical delight.

Time to raid those on-line record stores!

Best regards, BF

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I am a bit obsessive, the reason I don’t want to have busy mind and wonder each time is all is correctly set up.
If I were living in London, it would not be a problem. A lot of experimented dealers there. And I would be able to listen to also.

The one I have at home

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Also have been given the cables that it’s been running with
Transparent music link ultra, so these will be going on later and should be a nice improvement again over the standard SME one
Also have the thin disc that goes on the platter as didn’t have that and so it’s not been clamping the record right, so maybe another improvement

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Now that’s a result :+1:

If you haven’t got one a RCM is a very worthwhile investment

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Got the full size pro-ject one with 7 inch arm about a month or so ago, its been great, noisy and tiresome doing them, but very worthwhile

Yes I remember now, well you’ve got the kit to make the most out of it now

A good outcome to a really good thread

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Congratulations Dunc

Any chance of a piccy?
Or are you lost in spinning vinyl :grin:

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Good work @Dunc. I love it; you don’t mess around. Once you decide you are going you really go quick. Brilliant :+1:t2:

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Never been one to mess about.
A few pics already in this thread, its the same turntable


So you managed to bend his arm and get him to sell it
Same cartridge or different one???

I didn’t think you could bend SME arms, at least not easily… sorry, I already have my coat :slight_smile:

Sorry, remember now. Just need to paint the oak black.

Don’t forget your hat as well :joy::joy:

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I’d stain it black then no scratches will show

I know a dealer in Paris. Many years ago someone has stolen a very expensive cart from an SME V arm and broke the arm .

I’m trying to remember clearly, didn’t SME once offer to give you one of their arms if you could bend one with your hands!?

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