Here we go its vinyl time

…have no fear, relax and take it easy for a few days and every thing will be fine!

The wife suffered a lot last Saturday and lost feeling in her arm for 3 days and now got pins and needles in it plus the usual shivers and feverish from wat I can gather talking to others that’s the usual so we shall see, any way let’s get back on track and not hijack this thread it’s to good to ruin

What’s a jab?

COVID vaccination
Why do we call vaccinationsjabs’?

The verb “jab” is originally a Scottish form of “job”, an onomatopoeic word used since the 16th century to describe the pecking of birds, and then for any poking or thrusting action

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So better give the left hand, to be able to lift correctly the tonearm with the right :joy:


As “ picorer” in french? ( pecking)

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In the U.S. they actions is usually referred to as a shot or injection when given with a needle. @jsaudio did a nice explanation and cleared up where the ‘jab’ originated from…

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Not lovely white ones then FR?

Pasted the first I could see on google images…

No side effects so far from my lunchtime Jab. Some side effects from the Guiness however.


Would have a mental positive effect if I could receive a jab. But not possible actually in France in my case ( not enough old or with health fragility).
PS: no, I am not masochist. I don’t like specifically to receive jabs. :joy:

Now is probably as good a time as any to get back on topic please. Thanks.

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Starting to get to grips with this SME now, changing records much quicker now, obviously not as quick as the rega, but twice as fast now to when i started.
This transparent cable, well only played a few tracks so far, but right now i feel i prefer the standard SME cable, it has increased the bass a bit and top end, and might be pushing things a bit far for me and my set up.
But going to try a few more albums and see how we get on, but i have the original cable, but this SME cable is from a new turntable and so is the latest design, if that makes a difference, to what it would have come with years ago, i guess its changed.

But it could be more my choice of music i have played this afternoon so far, as its not been my normal go to stuff, so my opinion above is probably a waste of time.
Anyway if things change i will let you know

I don’t know if your standard cable is Van Den Hull 401 silver hybrid. I found it very well balanced and natural sounding. Had after a Chord signature tuned array with SME plug, more than twice expensive.
A bit better, more free flowing. But not night and day.
On different reviews, one of the best and preferred is the Kondo Audio note KSL. 1k for the copper. 4k for silver.

This is the one, premium 0448

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Well a bit more reflection and testing on tracks i know better, its actually sounds a bit more layed back, not quite as bright as the SME, the bass is nice and much the same, so very different to what i first thought, wouldn’t say i would pay for one over what i have been using right now, but it might grow on me, but i guess its nice to have and can always sell it lol

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It’s the one thing I don’t like about the rega is the fixed phono lead you can’t swap to change the sound
I’m glad it’s been a successful little journey for you this one , so what’s the next upgrade then ???

Easy, next upgrade is

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