Here we go its vinyl time

I am not a Lp12 fan. Unfortunately. Because there is a main dealer in Paris. For me the Lp12 costs too much for its performance…

I have not enough confidence in flea bay to buy a second hand expensive deck.
I am looking at ex demo UK. Maybe I will find something.

Well, it’s a good choice to make!

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I would NEVER buy a TT on ebay…would worry too much about damaged bearings!

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The P10 is great and as i said punches above its cost, but for me i decided that it couldn’t bring me the same level of enjoyment the rossini did, so started looking into different cartridge’s etc, this for me is where the P10 fails, its really made for rega cartridge’s, light weight, low mass, compact units, you move away from this and the rega arms just can’t really cope, very little adjustment, spacers needed, etc.
Plus i have moved away from the easy plug and play that the rega first attracted me to it, as the more i have got into vinyl, the move i have felt that i wanted to be able to mess about with things and learn what it all does to sound.
But the P10 with the apheta3 is great fun deck, and probably a better all rounder than the aphelion2, but it will easily beat the NDS thats for sure


I have just joined the club today (still a bit shaken up about it). Most importantly, @frenchrooster, talk to your dealer before deciding.

Of course, I will buy by my dealer.

Had a chat these days with Jason Kennedy from Ear Audio and also with Michael Fremer.
Jason thinks the best cartridge for the P10 is the Aphelion. But he has not tried a Lyra.
He says also that a light cart could fit the P10 , as the Van den Hull Colibri ( from 5k to 10k). It weighs 6g.
Michael Fremer advises me the Lyra Kleos. The Soundsmith too.
Both have reviewed the P10 recently.
But the choices with Rega are limited,
Fortunately I like very much Lyra.

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I finally decided to buy from flea bay. Found a good bargain price for that one.




I was glancing, not seriously on the lookout, when I noticed an ex demo p8 apheta 3 with aria mk3 today at ⅔ new price on the market. Called my dealer to notify them out of the relationship we have that I was probably going to buy the ex-demo’s, not expecting them to match the offer, nor pressuring them to do so.

After 15 minutes he called me this time, matching the offer with brand new items, stating he would rather give up a considerable sum of commission then seeing me go to another dealer. Patience and trust won today for me.


Streamer and dac built in as well ? Well smart lol

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So you are buying a P8 from your dealer if I understood well ? Be prepared to stream much much less :laughing:


Wow…that must be most of the dealer’s profit margin gone.
Strange times, these.
One thing is for sure…in terms of musical enjoyment, you have hit a motherload!

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Hi Dunc, that’s the easiest upgrade by far. Don’t get caught in that rabbit hole of vinyl tweaks until you’re ready…:grinning:.


Yes! And I have been preparing and stocking up with a moderate vinyl collection. With a mere 20 records I am not where I wanted to be when buying our first turntable, but I didn’t want to pass on this opportunity.

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Thanks, I am very excited. Fortunately, it is not up to me to question my dealer’s assessment, but I feel certain I am getting a really great deal. Now for the wait on delivery and hoping the new Quadraspire rack will arrive soon to accommodate the P8’s position.

Enjoy the music…my Apheta 3 is best at 1.9g … and of course needed about 30 hrs to run in.

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Congrats on your purchase. It’s probably the best deck for money you could find. And so musical, specially for our common jazz rock albums from the 70’s. You will be very surprised at how much life comes from them with the P8.

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Prepare your wallet for the avalanche of vinyl purchasing that will follow…


You could take a look at Reverb, there is a spanish dealer out there who offers new P10 for moderate prices. Maybe it is worth a contact.

Bonne chance

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