Here we go its vinyl time

Therefore you don’t need to listen to it before you buy a new deck. Well that’s your money and how you spend it is your sole privilege, I fully respect that.


Claude, you are ironical, I can understand. However I am not a newbie in the vinyl word.
I have already heard the Lp12 Klimax. There’s a linn dealer in Paris. As I said, I think that you can have Lp12 sound characteristics for much less money today.
Vertere is the ex Roksan guy, and I like Roksan turntables, from Tabriz to TMS 2 . So I know where I am going.
I know which brands I don’t like too: Nottingham, VPI, Brinkmann.
If money possibilities, I would go for Avid Acutus reference, Spiral Groove.
In the 5/8 k price territory, I don’t see anything else apart P10 or Vertere Mg1. Origin live maybe, but no dealer here.
I don’t like Avid entry level, neither Project, neither Feikert, and neither Lp12 .
Don’t think to go blindly.

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FR I was not ironical, the same thing applies to me. There’s products and brands I’ll never buy, like Toyota or Apple. Toyota because I don’t like the roadhandling and Apple because of the built in obsolescence.

I don’t take the time to road test Toyota vehicles anymore because I know I’ll never buy one. Like I said that’s my money and my privilege. To each his own.


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One thing i have found with the turntable, that is a bit strange is.
Take a freshly cleaned record, that was cleaned on the pro-ject, then popped in a new anti static sleeve, then been played on the P10, nice clean stylus once played, play it on the SME and the stylus will almost certainly have fluff, etc on it once played.

The record looks spotless before, but this cartridge is certainly removing stuff out the groove, that the cleaning machine or rega cartridge didn’t, anyone care to explain? Or is just that the stylus is touching more off the groove or deeper?

Forgot to add, its getting set up using a smartractor to a new setting, cant remember which one, but its a new set off measurements that i have been told will be even better, than what it is now, again we will see, as i am certainly much more open minded about all this than i was a few months ago.
But i guess as this cartridge is a few quide, setting it up with a cardboard cut out, isn’t very precise is it.

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It was @MartinM . He advises you the protractor.

I suggest you invest in a MintLP Best Tractor for the SME and XV1-T. It will be specific to that combination. This will allow you align the cartridge overhang and offset angle very accurately. It is worth it. The SME’s own protractor gets you close but not smack on. Smack on is worth it and the rather large amount of swearing involved to get there…”

I found that SME V is a bit complicated to set up, another reason for me to have sold it. My dealer couldn’t really set up correctly a Kiseki blue NS cart on it. I had not enough courage personally to learn how to set up the arm correctly.
But apparently you have more skills than me, so you will enjoy doing it.
It’s such a wonderful arm.

I won’t be doing it, but watching from 2 metres away.
I wouldn’t know where to start with it, or confident enough right now.
I have read a few things and it looks easy enough, but then some bits are not very well explained, like this arm some have that i don’t know what that’s all about

FR, I think you should buy the MG-1. Yes, I am biased.

All through this thread, your posts sound like someone whose heart tells him Vertere MG-1 but head says Rega P10.

Go with your heart. If you go with your head, you’ll always wonder if you should have got the Vertere MG-1.



If I buy the Vertere and my heart is disappointed, I will send you the bill.


I have a solution for you FR…buy both!


I don’t get any fluff at all on a newly cleaned record. Just wondering, at the end of the cleaning process do you get a wet mark where the vacuum pads where at the stopping point? If so there could be a trace of dirt left in there that hadn’t negotiated the pad fibres to be sucked away? I used to get that happening but now I have started a gradual lifting off of the vacuum arm before switching the machine off.

Just a thought, I can’t think of any other cause of that off hand

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Or another solution for you (I never was a professional psychologist, but in my work psychological factors were important)…
Get one envelope,
Get two small items of paper, write v on one and r on the other,
Fold the pieces of paper so that you cannot possibly tell which is which, put one in the envelope, throw the other piece of paper away,
Wait 24 hours,
'Phone your dealer, say you have decided, give them your credit card number,
Open the envelope, look to see what you will be ordering…if you are happy, go ahead, if you are not happy, order the other one.


I have been living by my own “why choose” mantra for some years. Overall I am quite happy with that approach. Bank account: not so. :sunglasses:

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My good lady choses for me…it’s always the better (usually more expensive) option her rationale being that’s what we will end up with anyway, so why waste money!


haha, that’s exactly what happens here most of the times now my mantra has changed to “why should I choose, I will let my wife decide”.

I used to get this with my Moth RCM, now I turn off the suction first and then let the turntable run briefly before turning that motor off.

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I know I can be happy with both. Both have some pros and also some coins. The Vertere is more expensive too. So it will depend on what price the dealer can give me in exchange of my actual rig.

no one comes near my Vertere MG-1 than myself, otherwise he would run into serious problems.

It is a pain in the ass to put the cover on the Mystic, so i decided to buy the expensive cover from Vertere and told everyone in this house to leave my equipment alone, but our cats won‘t listen. :weary::weary:

so the door to the listening room is always closed.

There’s still the Rp8 on your profile. What are the main differences between Mg1 and Rp8?