High End Munich 2023

Oh come off the shelf and tell us what you really think

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

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You are doing a fantastic job, Bert, just as you always do. Do you get a feeling that a lot of this gear, despite being by different manufacturers, sort of looks the same, in in over the top maximum bling sort of way?


Nr. 10 Lansche Audio…

This system had a nice warm and airy sound. They played the attached songs.


An interesting take on the show by John Darko on youtube.


Nr. 11 Part 1 - Techdas….

The specific longplayer (Air Force) I have seen at more stands…., must be quite a thing as it was marketed quite a bit a the show. Quite a set up with good dynamics, tonality and accuracy.


Nr. 11 Part 2 Techdas

They played Jeff Beck and Paul Simon, especially the overall sound for Paul Simon pleased me.


Nr. 11 Part 3 - Techdas

It might almost seem as I was so impressed at this one that you get so much pictures, but while good sound, I only stayed for the two songs mentioned, just made a couple of more pictures. I belief as at the beginning nothing was played… :smile:


Nr. 12 Part 1 - Wod Audio

Now this was interesting. A courageous brand playing some obscure Miles Davis, or perhaps the person playing the music is just a Miles Davis fan.


You have such a way with words Nigel. I fully agree :rofl:

Nr. 12. Part 2 WOD Audio….

As mentioned they choose not the easiest part in playing Miles Davis. However it sounded good, while I would have liked to hear a bit more foundation / low…… What is not so obvious on the picture is that the speakers are a bit on the low side, asked myself if that would work well in all setups.


Spot on HH. Most of it may be great Hifi but it all looks ugly as sin and would visually dominate most rooms in an unpleasant way.

Your Tablettes were brilliant in avoiding that trap.

Best regards, BF

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Nr. 13. Part 1 Brinkmann
Good sounding speakers. Foirst song with Sara, nothing to complain…


Nr. 13 Part 2 Brinkmann

This song of Marcin is a nice one to demo a system on. Of course done before to cover Kashmir, but pretty nice version by Marcin. Elvis nice balance in the bass sound and quite a soundstage. Also Dominguez Fils was sounding good. A nice system overall, with I guess a still reasonable investment level,……, but I could of course be complete wrong.

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Nr. 14 Part 1 Solution

We have now landed at the room of Solution the electronics of choice for @Thomas with quite strange loudspeakers, which I saw later at the show also in another glimpse. I belief it was a total Swiss setup. With the first one of Nils Lofgren I missed a bit the typical in your face slam of the piece, speakers ?, because the electronics should be able to deliver it


Nr. 14 Part 2 Solution

Bob Dylan great soundstage and air. The piece of Mercedes Sosa seemed to be made for the electronics and speakers on display. Nice how the choral parts came accross and the voice of Mercedes, for those who are wondering… the speakers have been from Clarysis Audio.

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So will take a small break. Will get this evening to the part on Naim - will try to be as complete as I can. Please keep on responding so I can finish the report by the end of this week, hopefully.


Thank you Bert for such wonderful coverage.

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Hi @BertBird — reading your words & wonderful pics (thank you again) reminds me of US comedian Bob Newhart (now 93 y/o). If you don’t know, one of his sketches was that if you have an infinite number of monkeys, with an infinite numbers of typewriters then, eventually, they will type out all the world’s great literary works – with some comical failures/misfires along the way.

Seeing all the stacks of kit, one cannot help but think that somewhere at the show the music being produced was ‘as it was supposed to be’ (a very wide and subjective term, almost to the point of being meaningless!), but that the majority wasn’t :frowning:

Maybe I am the only one but I find these electronics and cd player from Ypsilon very nice, and the Techdas too. I heard once Ypsilon ( tubes amps) at a show and was disappointed however by a bit clinical sound, surprisingly as tubes were involved.
Michael Fremer rates very highly the Ypsilon phono he has at home ( 60 k).

Ypsilon CD 100

I think we can certainly say only a few rooms at munich, actually had a chance to sound ok.
Looking at the show reports, there are only a few actual rooms that don’t have glass walls, very high ceiling, etc.
I do feel it’s more of a trade show, rather than anything else. I guess alot of deals are done here, especially as the show has 2 trade days, and then just 2 open days. As you are never going to even see or hear 20% of what’s on show over just 2 days.

But would like to go one day