I did a thing ... 500DR to come

@Gazza We have very similar systems ! Have you tested diamond as well.
Everything clicks together and the singer is totally upfront - love it.
But with the brighter (silver?) presentation comes a less deep and colorful tone - as you pull up brightness on your tv.

I plumped for Vodka and have tested no others. I haven’t got my Farad Super 3 yet but I reckon it will all be good! I am not going to mess around with cables too much. Super Lumina IC NDS to 552DR, done !

I was rather exasperated to be quite frank. When i asked my dealer they were luke warm on Diamond…….i could have probably had a deal.
I tried True Signals, CatSnake and the AQ range for Ethernet. My conclusion was i was tuning with these cables to the system and my room. Difficult to recommend to people, other than a patient dealer, online could be expensive.


Exactly. Just get a decently made cable, stick with it and concentrate on tuning the things that make a difference?

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Full 500 … with nd555 2ps - box tuning should be done.
Silly it is … coming from SBL Olive to 606 Olive it suddenly was too dark sounding….
Now with full 500 and diamond brighter again… not good :rofl:

@gazza really similar system with phoenix net. Good you have managed to stop messing with cables. Good for peace of mind :blush:


I’m still using the Shunyata Sigma I’ve borrowed from a friend and am blown away with just how good it is. I know, it’s mental money, but I seriously trying to square the economics in my head. The shear weight and tonal accuracy it adds is simply unreal. There’s not a track I’ve played where it’s anything other than utterly amazing. There’s so much more new information to comprehend, little pushes and dynamic interplays I’m hearing make it all so much more enjoyable. As for the timing it’s just in a different league. Above all it just sounds so natural, nothing forced, everything real and tangible.

To be honest this is the first bit of kit I’ve used that has given my system a fundamental shift forwards. I had few bits that give the system a ‘tweak’ but this is so much more than that. Most of the time I find the tweaks a step back rather than a step forward so, for me, this is a real find.

I’m using the Sigma but the next model down the Alpha (I think) uses one filter and not two like the Sigma and is about the same price as Diamond. I’d say the Sigma improvement is similar in scale to going all Superlumina and adding powerlines all at the same time!

Might be worth a try?

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@drago if I’m not mistaken the vodka is copper and the diamond is silver. These materials having a significant effect on the overall sound. Silver has a smoother top end and is more articulate than coppper however it usually doesn’t have that midrange weight that we all crave from our hifi. Strangely enough I think a silver cable that I had custom built had this midrange body and weight to the sound - but after a year of usage.

I say I think because I can’t be sure. There were so many changes in my system that year.

On top of that Audioquest cables tend (excluding diamond) to have that edge to the sound which other brands like Chord or Wireworld do better IMO.

Sigma it is - thought it was omega. Diamond is more expensive :sweat_smile:

As ever spot on.
Yes diamond is fully silver. Vodka only 15%. Resolution pure for diamond (voices are to fall on the floor) - but without body. Vodka does this … without full resolution.

Maybe I try Sotm and Shunyata sigma


Are you using ee8 with lyh25 and shunyata? You mentioned that with shunyata for the first time lps works.

Surprised to read your findings. For me the diamond is more colourful vs the vodka. More easy going, effortless, and open. More refined.

You should also try the. Neotech Neet-1008. It’s not just a silver cable it’s a UP-OCC silver cable. Sound is very good and I’d say very neutral. It feels as if it just gets out of the way

The Shunyata has filters built in. Common mode filters that I suppose blocks out high frequency noise. This might give that cable the edge in a system with common mode noise. Sneaky😅

I still think we are in the absence of a full room tuning with bass absorber’s etc……we are tuning to-our own ears and music. A full room tune might be better……but the rest of family might be less enthusiastic?

You have tube amps - that makes it really different.
With 135 diamond was also a pure winner. From hifi perspective it is still a full winner

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Had this also in mind.
Never thought the Ethernet makes such a difference- it is HUGE

Yes it makes a big difference. I agree and I have no where near as resolving system as you have.

I’ve always found the difference between Ethernet cables audible but marginal. But one person’s small is another’s HUGE. Like with so many things in life.

For what it’s worth, I have a Chord Shawline ethernet between my EE8 and the Nova and it gives a nice natural sound. AQ Vodka was much more shiny and hifi. Maybe a Chord cable is worth a try. But an ethernet cable won’t polish a turd.


SL (Both 5-5 and DIN-xlr) are really good. They really cleared everything up - like all stress is away. But very neutral - not rich. If in downside talk - a bit artificial.
Lavender is very musical - but a bit closed in. Morgana better - but also a bit stressed to my ears - but in a nice dark tone.

I have also a spare Clearway :rofl:
But last time vodka clearly won!

Just don’t overthink this. You’ll drive yourself potty.