I did a thing ... 500DR to come

Do not know if there will be a massive effect with 7 year old 500ps and 11 year old 552ps freshly serviced. Think there will be. But than I am safe for now (with the PSUs only).

How’s the Sigma performing? Swapped it out for the Omega yet?

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15 years between service on 500 series I believe!

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Yes - I know. But peace of mind is so much worth :joy:

No - sigma is… phantastic… I spammed my love for that cable in the „last bought“ thread.

„ While listening to shunyata i sometimes think I miss some Boom the diamond and especially the vodka gave. But this boom is only for the moment. And will stress after a while. Shunyata does all completely musical and without any stress at all. All perfectly arranged.
For example a hi-hat is more prominent with diamond but too much upfront for me. Same with sibilance… but with shunyata… I am a fan“

I am afraid I will fiddle again with omega. Love the sigma as it is.
Someone wrote in a review that omega is less harsh than sigma. If so, omega has less edges - but some small edges I like.

Thanks again @Geko, you completed my system :heart_eyes:

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I’m glad we’ve both found the missing piece to our musical puzzle. I’m still marvelling at the delicacy and power it manages to portray at exactly the same time. I’m guessing that the harshness you hear is actually the ‘noise’ we are all trying to get rid of. Some cables shape this noise to a point where we like it. It’s only when you hear a cable that seems to remove the noise that you start to understand the impact that has on the music. It’s working really well on my LPS but I feel I may have to explore these all over again. I think I will start with the Farad 3 and PN to see where it takes me.

Happy listening, and keep up the fiddling!


Yes - you should try farad and PN (for the 3rd time).
As I understand the PN is also designed to get rid of noise.
In my testing days last year I had 3 LPS heared with ee8.
The least good is lhy25, very good was farad and best was Sean Jacob’s dc3. For this reason I jumped on the PN train as Sean Jacob’s dc3 is inside of it.

Now I need to install the powerigel plus correctly in the system and have to gave my naca5 new plugs on both sides.
Hope that after that I can rest sometime… until re-capp… :rofl:


Had some weak moments - maybe because of damn headache from flu :face_with_thermometer:
System was sounding …. Bah - sounding wonderful… all mind magic.
All albums sound so different recorded, as they are. When I remember from where I started when cd sounds always very similar digital.


I fiddled again…
Put diamond back in, as I thought I was lacking speed.
After initially wow (20 sec) and back to sigma, all is fundamentally clear.
Sigma can do better - also with speed

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I’m guilty of the same thing. Went back to Catsnake/SMPS for an evening, nice but lacks neutrality, tonal shading, weight and speed of the Sigma. Put Sigma back in and the instant the first cymbal strike is heard you just know it’s right! I’m itching to try the Farad again.

I struggle from time to time agreeing with myself what I prefer long term :see_no_evil: Maybe it’s good to keep few cables to make changes now and then :smile: Who wants to eat the same food day out, day in?


So we are … old(er) man with their habits
What do you mean with cymbals - cymbals are the ones which had stressed me too much with vodka and diamond. With both they came too aggressive and in front (especially with vodka). With sigma cymbals are there with a lot of shine - but not front row. When I remember correctly from live music, the percussion is not in front of the singer :blush:

Please try the PN - better than ee8 plus Farad

I kept a lot of cables … :joy:

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When I am fiddling a really got mad as I am totally crazy when I comes to right cable dressing and plugging and de-dusting :rofl:
Cost me min 30 min to bring all back in order - simple Ethernet cable plug in… totally mad

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The cymbal thing with the Sigma is the natural clarity and shimmer the cymbal takes on when struck. It’s how, in my head, a real cymbal sounds. By contrast listening to the the Catsnake/SMPS last night the cymbal lost that sense of realism, like a representation of a cymbal but not quite the correct tone, pitch or clarity - more like a photo copy! With the Sigma I’m constantly surprised by the accuracy of instruments, again their tonal accuracy is a bit of a revelation. Just listening to some complex music and I can clearly hear the sound of the snare drum in the background it’s unmistakably a snare drum, all underpinned by this great rhythmic tuneful bass line. Never heard it like this before despite knowing the track really well.


I tend to get stuck in “This is a bit to soft - in with something that makes it bit brighter”. Then “this is a bit bright - in with something that makes it bit softer”.

D2 powerswitch + D2 ethernet is bit more forward and detailed than EE8+Farad3 + Entreq stuff. Entreq ethernet on D2 switch softens it a bit in the upper frequencies. My Oephi speaker cables are pretty forward and detailed compared to lots of cables which naca5 is not. So D2 powerswitch with naca5 is magic since it bring naca5 to life in a good way. But EE8 +Farad + Entreq might be better balance with Oephi.

Are we just dealing with a complex EQ here? :smile:

Trial continues… After all I’m just on day 2 or 3.


You have complex matrix testing

  • switch
  • Ethernet
  • LS cable

How much combinations do you get there :blush:
I would only try naca5 ansuz switch and cable against ee8/entreq/oephi

From my experience the more forward and detailed combinations tend to initially WOW but there is also some stress in it. on long term the more relaxed combo is also more natural and musical.

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Interesting that cymbal is a sound you, as well as I, use to determine naturalness. I find it weirdly easy to hear if it’s right or wrong and I don’t have many references to real cymbals or have an understanding of how it would sound when recorded, streamed and played back to sound natural och real. I wonder why that is? I choose Nac 82 over 282 much on the replay of cymbals.

Test songs very welcome!
Test Song for speed:
Charlie Winston - Square 1 - Song 1: spiral … listen to complete song

Got it, what is meant with cymbal reference… with sigma it sounds as it should! As live!

My best guess is cymbals contain lots of energy and might be difficult for digital to replicate. If a sound is making your brain work extra to decode it it will sound worse than if the brain tells you it is correct. Removing noise is one of these things that you don’t think about when it’s there but when gone you can feel your brain can relax bit more. Similar as to when your fridge is on and you don’t think about it but when it goes off you really enjoy it.