I did a thing ... 500DR to come

Might get me a pair to evaluate. Thanks :+1:

Could give them another try as well… it was with vodka Ethernet and 52/135.
It’s a tiny fine cable…easy to dress. The ks-1.

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The whole ansuz and oephi stuff is only compensation of the dull non dr amplification :rofl:

Yes as you and I usually agree on what we like Drago

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I’ve had Oephi with DR too :smile::+1: They are similar to Sarum T in performance if you have tried. Their higher end cables are said to be similar to Music.

Thanks - that is correct.
I remember that naca5 was better in a musical way. Smoother voices - warmer but a bit less detailed.

Here is what I wrote

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Oephi might be pain to dress in my cable management…
Are they as stiff as they look?
As mentioned… Vertere were really good. Pulse xs - price wise like SL

Not stiff at all. I believe they offer 30 days buy and try. You can find some reviews online on Transcendance, Immenance and Reference. Berlin hifi seem to sell them too.

Sales talk all over here :blush::rofl:
Found the shop in Berlin already :blush:
Once again Denmark… I need 6m :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh 6m of exotic cables rapidly becomes expensive. Danes know their stuff :blush:

Yes, Referece is developed with Chord Music in mind.

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I think also price wise …

As I know what a cable can do … there was a cable called … begins with an S :blush:
Oephi is also worth a look - better than tellurium?

Music is like twice the cost of Reference so if they sound similar Reference is a good option. Both extremely expensive though :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’ve tried Tellurium Ultra Black II side by side with Ascendance. Ascendance trounced it. Truth. Tellurium is a side way move from Naca5. Nothing special IMO. At least not for the asked price.

I would like to evaluate SL too. If it took the good things with naca5 but added the things I miss with it then it could be very good.

KS-1 is fairly cheap in this crazy cable world so might buy a pair to find out. I’m trying to not think higher price means better but unfortunately that is often the reality. Or my reality at least. :smile:

Only 3m or 5m with transcendence cable … that is bad :smiling_face_with_tear:

If naca5 is lavender than you what it does!
But caveat - there is a „less prat with SL“ fraction around.
That’s why I also look for Vertere - prat and …

He can make any length you want and you pay for that. I would deal directly with him if you are interested. He’s a Naim fan himself :blush:

There’s more PRaT in Oephi than Naca5. Much more. He’s core value of his cables is “Timing is everything”. You hear it in a second.

Any length is fine but what about 30 days trial?
You have the ascendence?
This looks easier to dress!

No idea about custom lengths and 30 days trial :slight_smile: I have Ascendance but will evaluate Transcendace and Immenance in a couple of weeks. The wires inside the wide sleeve are not stiff as you might think by looking at pictures.

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