I did a thing ... 500DR to come

Don’t mute! Turn volume to zero or use a different preset.

If you turn volume to zero there is signal going to the power amp?

Yes. You will here it faintly. The 500DR will keep working.

Maybe it makes no difference but I play internet radio on zero volume to minimise burn in time. But playing it loud will warm it up more quickly.

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It will do it’s own thing ultimately. Give it time.

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Magic grow lol.
Burn in yes can takes day or even weeks depending on what it is, but warm up doesn’t take weeks and if it did then something is seriously wrong.
The 20 second comment above is just a silly thing to say. I wouldn’t want to touch the big caps after 20 seconds off being turbed off, especially the ones in the S1. Then taking 6 to 7 days to come back.

I am also very happy that i can leave all my gear in standby mode when not being used and the warm up time is only really noticeable on my class A amp and valved phono stage, luckily about 30 minutes is all that takes.
The dCS kit doesn’t seem to be affected by it, well if it is it isn’t an issue to worry me.

I did leave all my naim gear on 24 / 7 as you do, and i do agree it sounds best when warm, but it doesn’t take weeks to warm up when left on, and certainly doesn’t call down in seconds


Hi Dan,
I make absolutely no claim to definitive practice, but in my rig I’ve always believed I should keep the LP12 on the brain stack to avoid possible transformer magnetic field influence on the sensitive millivolt signals in the cartridge, arm and Urika. I’ve no idea if my worries are justified, but that’s been my MO.
Entirely possible that it will make no difference, but I have it:

500 head unit



We’ll be reminding you……

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In an ideal world I would have LP12 on brain stack. However, due to the sub floor it is a case of compromise. The sub floor is more solid on the right brawn stack. I have experimented with the LP12 on the middle brain stack but if you go close or are heavy footed then the record will jump.

I was previously contemplating reinforcing the sub floor to address this problem. It is quite an upheaval to make it right.

Your system looks superb as always.

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The caps inside the 500 series are in Teflon. The reason why they take so long to reach the hot temperature.

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Great system and great room KJC :+1:


What’s up mate :smiling_face:
Even when I had the 300 here I was reminded to let it run for 1 week minimum before serious listening

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The NAP500 seems to be much more like a pre-amp, it takes ages to warm up - not at all like 250s or 135s.

julian vereker


What you may find is the 500 amp, sounds better once warmed up whilst it’s being used harder than just sitting there on, doing nothing?
That probably makes more sense to me as the 500 has a big case and heat sink that would certainly get rid off heat much more than the other naim amp’s beneath it.
I used mine daily and not at a loud volume, and can’t really say i noticed a difference in sound or temperature of the unit. But some days the system sounded better than other days, i put that down to me and how i was that day, as in tired from hard day at work or more stressed, etc.

Thanks Dan. Ah yes, now I recall you mentioning that before, but I’d forgotten. It may well make little to no difference anyway…


I very much hope so… this morning it sounded harsh again… will bo no fiddling… nononono


remember folks…no fiddling!haha its ready when its ready, like cooking yorkshire puddings…got to keep that oven closed!

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Does changing standard din-xlr cable with SL count as fiddling? :smiling_face:


Change the cables out. Go for it!

Yes mate but…do that anyway!hahaha SL is well good

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Hi @Dan_M
Did it - changed to SL din-xlr…
Dressing was a bit stressing
But … cable is SOO GOOD. go for it :heart_eyes: