I did a thing ... 500DR to come

Fantastic! Is everything now set up?

I have ended up preferring Morgana selling SL DIN XLR. So far Morgana have won against original, Super Sarum and SL. My ears, my room, my system :blush:


You can’t buy them now, unless they come up used which is few and far between.

The options are factory standard, SL or Chord offerings as far as I can make out.

Tried to get the Morgana … no chance. Have a Morgana din 5-5.

Original is good brings a little bit brighter sound (which I was looking for). But it is also sharper on the edges.
Same as with 5-5 … First impression … = SL is more relaxed (I know - other opinions) … all is more together and has more room (deeper soundstage) … only voices are a bit more prominent with the original cable (too prominent sometimes)

Overall: do not know if it is more detailed with standard cable (do not think so).
With original cable the 500dr was a bit dry sounding - with SL the „liquid“ sound is back … this I like

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Can you describe the difference?
Where is Morgana better?
Have you compared to the original again?
You have 500 and I 500dr. Think this will also make a huge difference in sound spectrum. SL cable came together with 500dr afaik.

Don’t want to put a timeline on it because that’s very difficult to judge considering your setup but my 500DR continued to showing changes past 6 weeks. Incrementally getting less harsh. That forward sound will eventually settle down whilst retaining the detail in the music.

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The Morganas come up for sale in the usual places from time to time. I used the mono pairs between my then 300 and 500, a marked lift over the originals no comparison, just better.
Hunted down and managed to find a Morgana to go between the 552 and 250, once again a fantastic cable (thanks @GeoffC)


Now looking for a Morgana RCA to DIN to try against the AR Lunar I use between the DAVE and 552, unfortunatly I’ve missed out a couple of times, you have to be quick!

The Morgana DIN - xlr Mono is one of the best spoken cables.
Here really hard to get.

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A well made, solid construction, feels quality and at the time compared to other cables fairly cheap to buy.

Keep looking something will turn up.

The comparison is bad…
Yes - SL is initially better … and the deep soundstage is phenomenal… but…
SL stays in … no fiddling

Which din to xlr do you use?

SL is very good - all is more together (which I mean with „relaxed“). I am a bit surprised as „silver cables“ should sound more bright. It does not - the deeper soundstage is what makes me lucky. With all the details overload of 500 I missed that a bit.

I had a custom cable built by Gothic Audio. It uses Cardas coaxial cable with additional damping and shielding by Gothic Audio. The XLR terminations are AECO pure copper - gold plated pins.


Nice to see - naca 5 as I still have here.
Have you ever tried SL - really good. I would say the the original one sounds more analytical and is more upfront but SL lets you more dive into the music.

Never mentioned it (on purpose) - my 135 which will never be sold (hope so) have been once yours (service sheet from class a have revealed). Thank you for all your inspiration and the wonderful 135s :grinning:

Ps: this is a really new 552dr of yours :heart_eyes:

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:grin:cheeky @drago

That’s good to know. I’ve had some of the best listening sessions with your pair of 135s. In some ways maybe more enjoyable than my current sessions. Can’t explain why though.

I’ve tried SL speaker cables. They were not to my liking although I understand how somebody else may have a different view.

My personal preference for speaker cables is Chord. I really liked the Epic twin XL although the NAC A5 still sounded more real to me.

I suspect the Chord Signature and above would be my preference but I cannot spend any more money on hifi atm.

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I never had the courage to tell, that I bought your 135 from a German guy (you might know him :grin:).
Was afraid that something was wrong with your your late olive 135s.
Same here - best listening sessions has been with olive and vinyl …
But we all have been naughty and have gone 500 - different sounding.
And also very very good!

That’s why I prefer SL - it brings back this involvement making my feet tap!
Khan, myself getting back to naim was so much triggering by your posts and journey here … thanks for that! Followed in your footsteps :rofl:

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You’re welcome buddy. Yes I also tried to move away from Naim several times.

I do also love my tube gear though.

There is something very addictive about the 135s. When a 500 is in full swing it sorts out so much more of the music than the 135s ever could. Passages in songs that were just a wall of congested sound now are transparent/vivid/honest/accurate take your pick of word.

I too have held onto the 135s and I’m using them in my second system with Linn Kan mk1s

Morgana sounds bit more coherent and together in my system. I believe this specific cable might sound better on DR equipment than my non DR which I understand already is a bit more groovy and more warm compared to DR. Maybe more like 135s since 500 non DR is the upcoming generation of amps? I got bit of a problem with low frequency bass bloom which I couldn’t solve by moving speakers around. A bit like a loudness button was pressed on the very lowest frequencies. In another system and room I would try them again for sure because some things they did better but I’m very sensitive to the bass area. A very good cable indeed so I don’t think one is better than the other in technical terms. It’s more a matter of synergy and matching.


Coming from SBL I really like every bass available - and with 606 there is :heart_eyes:
And I can easily adjust bass with wall distance.
SL brings energy, depth and natural rhythm - bass is very full, but do not think it is heavier than with standard cable.