I did a thing ... 500DR to come

I think SL is a winner … while sitting and texting there is no need to skip to another song or artist - music simply flows :heart_eyes:


The cable dressing Oscar goes to …
A bit help of bad foam but in this tight space no cable touches another :smiley:

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Ah you use NACA5. I have speaker cables that dig deeper than those so that might also explain it.

Ok - what cables do you use?

Naca cables are the only naim stuff kept in main system… bought them 1990 :heart_eyes:

Oephi cables. Pretty similar to Sarum T signature.

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I (the idiot) skipped SL speaker cables in 6m length that I need, which was offered by a nice guy 30 min away for 1,2 k euro…:weary:

Sorry … silly question
I have switched din sockets on 552ps - compared to arrangement with standard cables.
As far as I know this does not make any difference as all sockets on 552ps are stereo.

Correct :+1:

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I am soooo stunned now with 500dr plus 2x SL cable …
Just listened to one of my all time favorites: massive attack - paradise circus :heart_eyes:

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Get three! :blush:

3 what? 500dr? One as spare ? :crazy_face:

Second 555ps is waiting to go for it. So does the Igel+ :grinning:

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Full 500 is so different…
Top range olive was/is phantastic (52-sc-135-Sbl). Maximum groove here… if I had room for it, I would build a second system.
And there could be times with mood to prefer the groovy less resolving sound.
500 is … all of olive virtues plus…

  • depth, massive detail and room
  • punch and energy
  • immersion and live-feeling.

All sounds different … on the downside you hear so much more and some songs may sound less smooth as you remember. But this is source related.
500 is definitely more hifi, but with all naim virtues and maximum prat

You can compare like
Olive: a good motorized sedan - a classic e46 bmw 325i
500 Series: new m3


David sylvian playing… wow!

This is high end…

Have some fiddling in mind - but not yet.
I have a WH Morgana DIN 5-5 which I bought some time ago.
Only had a short test with olive system and preferred lavender - never preferred hi-line over lavender either. When tested Morgana was a bit like hiline - darker and a bit more edgy but resolving.

When only shortly tested SL against lavender and preferred SL as it brought some groove.

How does SL compare to Morgana … before fiddling better asking.
SL is very good … only a small amount of „richness“ missing :joy:

Did a quick check SL against lavender.
SL wins on the first tone. Seems like lavender has come to its
Iimitatitions of processing all the information. Reminds me of a speaker cable test I did at a distributors place - was kudos ks1 vs naca 5 vs Vertere vs SL.
Naca 5 was very good and groovy. Ks1 was less full and more detailed but both similar. Vertere and SL were way better.
With naca/kudos it seemed like the musicians played for auditions a bit nervous.
With Vertere/SL the same song sounds like the musicians were long term in business and play with ease and experience.

Same with lavender/standard din.xlr vs the SL versions.

That’s what I meant with relaxed sounding

SL is really very good. The slight edges will go away when 500dr has arrived in ear and warm atmosphere :blush:


Which Vertere cable was on test?

Will look again - it was the second best - around 4,5k Euro for 6m.

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I need to get into the cable business. Margins are HIGH.


I did a thing…
I plugged in the second PS.

Good news first:
Burndy dressing was a lot easier than I thought.

Bad news (ready to rumble):
I did not like it with 2x ps. :slightly_frowning_face:
With 2nd PS:

  • less bass weight
  • better bass definition- more bass control
  • more resolution in the mids
  • a bit brighter
  • less deep soundstage
  • more smooth on the edge (good)
  • more dry sounding

With one ps:

  • less overall detail
  • a bit darker
  • fuller bass and warmer sound
  • a bit more rough and edgy (hope the edges will go over war, up with 500)
  • deeper soundstage
  • more together and coherent
  • more groove

I really liked the liquid like sound 500 dr and SL brought to the 606 - a bit similar to 135

I was really disappointed :frowning:
2nd ps is a used one - from 2022 (not new). It is fully burnt in.
Left it switched on (even if not connected now - went back to 1ps) and will give it a 2nd chance at the weekend!

Sorry - my ears, my room, my special mind…


Be patient, the 555 dr , when switched off, needs 2 years to come on song.


I can’t say i found the second 555ps on my NDS worthwhile, so i know where you are coming from.
You have to be very honest with yourself on things like this. It’s very easy to just say its better as you have just spent a chunk on it, so it must be better, right.