I did a thing ... 500DR to come

Currently back on diamond…. :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:
But not my best days at all as my mother is „on her way out“ :disappointed_relieved:

Why diamond
I have never heared better voices ever. All is better together and really much going on in the upper mids.
Sigma is more bodied and has more room and analogue character

I changed back as - even with the colder and slight artificial character - the emotion motions came more with diamond


Sorry to hear that.

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Hi :smiley:

You’re also from Sweden I understand. Could the guy you’re referring to be,.“Mats in Umeå”.?

He has tried Omega vs Neotech in many systems and prefers Neotech.

How long have you got the Sigma for?

« I know where my“colour-gate“ came from. With brightness from (silver) diamond came maximum grip and punch - but in my system it dried out and lost colour and deep soundstage. Vodka was way better in colour and very deep soundstage, but lost details in the mids and felt a little torn apart.
Shunyata is best of both worlds. It is slightly less forward sounding than both AQ cables - but it is also less sibilant «

Are you sure you prefer the Diamond, because you wrote what is above 2 days before ?

I remember a trade on Vodka cable by Mr Tate. One day he preferred the Vodka then 1 month later it was the Blue Jeans, then 1 week later the Vodka….and so on for several months. It was an epic thread.
Then someone wrote: Vodka in, vodka out, in , out, in, out, and shake it all about. :joy:


I guess some are more addictive to a change and the journey than finding the end game setup.

It might after all just be different. Not better.


I can demo it a bit - there are some days left.
It has been running 24/7 since 2 days.

To give the rooster a score…
Currently running sigma.

Diamond is really spectacle and fireworks… voices and the forward presentation … sigma is so magical analogue …

And: @Blackbird : fiddling on end game setup, really like to arrive :wink:

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Why not cut the diamond in two parts and the sigma two, then glue together the half diamond and half Sigma ?
You will have the Sigdiamond cable, with all the characteristics you like.

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When not being used I left my 552 with the radio running quietly 24/7 for about a week. After that it was there, you sometimes think it’s taken a further jump in performance but that’s just because you’re playing something you haven’t played on it before so its presenting the music in a way your previous amp wasn’t capable of.

Just get the Neet-1008 and be done with it. :sweat_smile:


Indeed. I demoed a Nordost QRT switch with a couple of Heimdall ethernet cables (retailing for $2k each for a 1.5m cable here in NZ) a few months back. I really wanted to like it, but couldn’t hear any difference from the Ubiquiti switch and BlueJeans Cat6 cables that I’m running now.

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Speaking of which, be careful out there…:sunglasses::innocent:


I use the 3008, copper, which works v well in my system.

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@Lucifer Hi again :smiley:

You never answered the above,.but now I know who you are :slightly_smiling_face:.
It is Mats J you are referring to,.and you also know Mats P at Classic Design Scandinavia.

I’m the one who helped you arrange the shipping of a Naim pre-amp a few years ago,.which you bought from Roger in Boden.
The man who drove down this Naim pre to you is also called Mats.


It is extremely good period.:wink:


Yes I remember you helped me out with that. I still have the pre but I’ve now switched to a 252

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I heard from Mats P that your system sounds really really good now :smiley:.

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The neo techs are not overall available - but there seems to be an online shop offering them.
Cable without return window is a full no-go. Online you can return

The Stiffness is what I fear most

If my fiddle genome where fully active I would have tried:

  • Sotm cat 7u
  • neotech silver and copper
  • entreq

Entreq is most hard to get for a demo

Why all the drama… because of me being me and because I would like to finally come to an end with upgrades. Cables are good for fine tuning and do matter (esp now with full 500).

Now it is settled!
Sigma is running for 5 days … it is getting better and better.
Geko‘s description is spot on.
It is so accurate and fast with punch and texture. The small things is what counts - people talking in distance - musicians moving their instruments. All is together and fully immersive.
Almost like an box upgrade - yes it is.
Switched back to diamond today. Diamond can do voices but this only as they appear more upfront… with diamond all is overly polished like you sealed the music with transparent lacquer.
Sigma is pure music. No idea how this could be - also with PN it is working really well

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Good it works much better now. I have just a question for you, because you wrote that with Diamond „ it’s spectacle and fireworks „ . Now you say the Diamond is polished, like „ sealing the music with transparent lacquer „. Is it not contradictory?
Please explain.