I did a thing ... 500DR to come

Now? Thought you are in rehab :rofl:
Which speaker cable? Peak4 = oephi?

I am in full heaven now with sigma and phoenix and 500…

I’m back from HIFI rehab. I couldn’t stand it. Now purchasing more!

Oephi Ascendance are in :+1: Naca5 is good but bit to dull for me I think.

Your speakers are bit bright? Mine are in the warm side of neutral.

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

The Swedish distributor (which we both know :wink:) says 200 hours burn-in.

I have Neotech NEET-1008 Silver from incoming fiber-box to streamer and am very satisfied.

Ah yes but what does he know :wink:

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My speakers are neutral

So it is ansuz, entreq and oephi …
This is o e of many combinations… you can do :blush:

Thats over 40 days off constant use.

Yes it is. It’s crazy. It might be burnt in even if not used though. It has been said to me that it’s used by being plugged in. I don’t know how it works though.

I should think you have to run something through it to burn it in, and not just plug it in

Me too. However my dealer said it’s in use even when I don’t use it. But he might be guessing. Something about the internet sending things all the time no matter. If not I don’t have 400 hours. Maybe 50

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:
If you have your Neotech NEET-1008 Silver between the incoming fiber-box and the router,.there is an “active signal” between them all the time.

So I performed burn-in on my two 1 meter Neotech Silver,.I connected them with an adapter as shown in the picture (available at Kjell).

What is the adapter doing?

Hi :grin:

Sorry,.my mistake I was unclear.
The adapter connected the two 1 meter Neotech cables so I could give both a burn-in at the same time,. between incoming fiber-box and router.

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And then you just put repeat on?

Burning in without a signal - no way…
With a constant signal it, makes more sense. But I think burning in is always better with a modulated signal, e.g. music :rofl:


As the Ethernet topic is luckily in the cable thread (sorry for having it discussed here under wrong thread name)

Back to topic.
500dr is now running approximately 4 weeks and it is getting better every day. There is so e serious warm up time.
Love it head over heals…
Full 500 has this magic which is referred to often.


Oh dear …there is solstice for half price at my local dealer …
So nice it looks - I am more tempted with lp12 or Vertere - but price wise…?


Sold my naca5. I’m done with naca5 now and understand it’s good and bad things. It’s limiting the micro details and timing a lot in my system. A snare drum with naca5 sounds like you put a towel over the snare drum leather whilst the Oephi sounds just as I know a snare drum sounds in real (have played drums). If having naca5 with my current system I would not hear anywhere near what is on the record. Bit surprised people with top level systems are satisfied with it to be honest. Will borrow Oephi Transcendsnce and Immenance now since they are so good IMO. Naca5 is good but not 500 level good.

I wonder how SL speaker cables sound in conparison.

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@Blackbird Come on - it is not so bad.
I actually fought with it today - needed some dressing … oh that was hard work. And it needs all new plugs as well. Will definitely do this together with installation of powerigel plus … no fun in fiddle anymore. :blush:
Only had the chance to compare it to ks1 from kudos. Naca was more musical and bodied in my system. But this was with 52/135.
Like the warm colour of naca. Superlumina is what I will look for.
And I let one go in February… :woozy_face:

It’s ok but not good compared to what is out there. I don’t see why one should buy SL for other places then limiting it all with Naca5 :blush: But that’s me :sunglasses: I wonder how many with 500 systems that have tried higher end speaker cables like Oephi, Chord Sarum T/Music, Super Lumina etc. Seems like most move around with naca5 and KS-1 not knowing what they are giving up on.