I did a thing ... 500DR to come

Good news. There’s not enough thought in system balance and too much chasing upgrades


Super Lumina speaker cables to hear all details then done! :smile:


You’re absolutely right. Btw after reading your quotes about oephi speaker cables, I tried to get a demo but was unsuccessful.

Since then I have tweaked my system and now I am certain that any speaker cable other than the NAC A5 will lessen the excitement and drama and overall enjoyment from my system.

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That is what I fear too :slight_smile:

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Naca5 is sold. It’s ok “doing its job” but not more. I’m done with them in my setup. Oephi Reference are in. Earsplosion! :man_dancing: its amazing what a high quality cable can do in any position in a high level system. But to hear it you must leave the 300 EUR level and invest more.

You have buy and try directly from Oephi for 30days if the reseller is not up for good customer support :+1: I have Ascendance since few years back which is a big step up from Naca5 and have also trialled Transcendance and now Immenance and Reference. Unfortunately Reference is like a huge box upgrade. Or even more…


Thanks for that. I wanted to get a demo of the transcendence speaker cables.

I can’t bring myself to spend any more on speaker cables.

But like I’ve said, right now NAC A5 is the perfect cable for my system. My hybrid system has many different philosophies so it’s a delicate balance.

What’s your impressions of the reference compared to NAC A5 and the ascendance you’ve had before

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You want really to ask ? And finish by selling your car? :joy:


Lol I have no intention to buy but you know what they say, knowledge is power. This is why I try to share as much as I can. You never know what information will help someone with their system.

I’ve read amazing things about oephi but the caveat is the connecting plugs on the speaker cables need to be treated very delicately which is something I cannot do, as I’m always tinkering.


The challenge for me too is to wrap your head around that a very good cable is as good or better than say a 555PSDR on a box. This is true. And since this is the case, why would you not spend the same money on a cable as on a 555PSDR (used). Yes you get more material with a 555 but if you just focus on the sound performance?

Most people never try these very high end cables because they don’t believe in it. Well, it is possible to borrow them and try them out. I’m confident that anyone trying say the Oephi Reference will have to rethink how much to spend on cables as I do.

Naca5 is so so far from the Oephi to be honest. The bandwidth, PRaT, dynamics, details and such are in another galaxy.

The connectors is not a problem at all. He use Klei bananas. If you swap often then only push a Naim banana into it 2-3mm and they fit perfect again.


Have you purchased them?

Not yet. But I will likely have to sooner or later. Still on trial. I was totally unprepared for what they would do in my system. Have a read at HIFI+. It’s very true what they write IME.

Agree entirely. The Vertere Redline speaker cable was a big step for me.


Well it’s hard to understand how a speaker cable in the end of the chain ,would be more important than a power supply for the source…

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Have you tried Superlumina speaker cable. It’s designed for Naim.

The Superlumina cable sounded great at Naim HQ visit. I have Naca5 which I think is great.


Great to hear that ! :+1: The Naca5 is super and hard to beat price wise,for me that have an active system…just can’t afford Super Lumina.


I think Naca5 is very very good. With visit to Naim HQ I am convinced best to stick with all Naim. They test and design the systems with Naca5 and Superlumina.

Yes there are better cables but it’s not what Naim intended!


I hear you. But I’ve never even spent money on a power supply :rofl:

The 552 and 500 came in a two box system. And I’ve long exhausted my hifi budget for the coming years.

I have no quibbles with anybody spending money on cables if it works in their system. I apologise if my reply read that way.

If I’m not mistaken the reference is silver wire am I correct?

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Love the good ol NAC A5. Now that I’ve tipped the balance of my system away from bright, (I blame the Furutech rhodium plugs which took an age to burn in)
-I’m so happy with the NAC A5. They bring so much energy to my system.

I’m afraid to even move the cables. I finally have the bass weight to the music along with the midrange speed and warmth and a top end that is so well extended. Metallic instrument sounds have that lifelike tone and almost piercing attack to them but not in a way that it’s painful or uncomfortable to listen to.


Ultimately, different speaker cables will affect the tone of the sound.

I was impressed with Superlumina and the Focal Scala Utopia speakers which are used with Statement system at Naim HQ.

I have recently bought 2 x 5 metre lengths of Naca5 which replaced 2 x 3.5 m of Witchhat N2. They go into Beresford switch and then 2 x 3.5 lengths of Naca5 into Focal Sopra 2s. It enables me to use my AV system with speakers. Changing it all out to Superlumina would cost around £5500.

With Naca5 very happy with it. Superlumina would sound better. Big commitment though.