I did a thing ... 500DR to come

A cheaper upgrade is to change the 3.5 meter Naca5 to over 5 meters,gives a much more balanced sound.

The thing is, that Naim is an electronics specialist, not a cable expert.

In my experience the stock Naim cables will not extract the best from the electronics, so without trying better cables before swapping boxes, you arguably haven’t got the best return on buying the electronics. This is particularly noticeable on power cabling. The exception is the Superlumina full loom, which I find brings much refinement and dynamics to a good system.


Remind us what this is for please Dan.

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Speaker and amp switch. Can switch between two amps and two sets of speakers. No power to it. Just a switch.


I said Naca5 or Superlumina.

You have full Superlumina speaker cables. So I rest my case!

Power cabling best is powerlines but you cant use those in NZ.

We do have the Powerlines here, I’ve the full loom. It’s the other power cables I was referring to.

A truth with modification, don’t forget that Oephi is developed with Naca5 and Naim as role models and Oephi cheapest models is quite similar to naca5 in its character. Oephi’s owner and chief engineer is a big Naim fan.


Plenty of us have done just that for over a decade

No but I was close buying a pair few weeks back. Would love to hear a pair :+1:

You should have a visit at my place and I would show you what I talk about. It’s not minor differences :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Or borrow a cable from Ascendance and up (haven’t heard Lounge). With DBL they would open the flow and bass in a way I would love to hear :blush:

Yes I know and agree. That’s what’s so great about Oephi :blush: Oephi have said what naca5 is doing in transmitting music is very hard to achieve but it has its limitations in bandwidth and other areas. IMO Oephi have solved this.

That idea will work if you also have speakers made by them I guess. If not they have no idea what the end result will be :blush: And sometimes I don’t agree with what others have intended. I’m born with two ears and can use them too :blush:

good to hear ,hope I will visit you soon again,maybe with a pair of IBL’s
under my arms :wink:
My active DBL’s have
6x7 meters of Naca5,so it’s a big investment to change out and I think those money are better spent closer to the sources .Speaker cable can’t fix problems upstreams is my approach.


But they can as the final step stop all beautiful information from reaching your speakers :blush:

I still think naca5 is a good affordable cable and fully respect if people find them perfect in their systems. I’m all in on finding synergy and balance. I just want to inform and share my experience in that there are other very good options out there so not everyone think that naca5 is the only cable in the world that will make your naim system sound great. Naca5 is doing some things very well but not all of them. I’m also sure not everyone like Oephi as much as I do but that’s part of this game. One can borrow or purchase and find out what is the best for themselves and their speakers, rooms, taste, whatever :blush:


Haven’t heard SL but would love too. But if you change your mindset on cables a bit you might look at it bit different. Say SL is a bigger upgrade in sound quality than your second 555PSDR on your ND555. Would that still make SL a tough commitment?:blush:

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I think you’re probably right. I just don’t want to go there right now! It’s easier telling myself to stick with Naca5.

Lots on here have swapped out cables with great effect. I’m pleased for you.


Have you tried two 555PS on your NDS now ?


Nope not yet :blush:

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I would say both yes and no… Sure, Oephi cheaper speaker cables are more open, flowing and transparent than naca5 but on the other hand you lose a bit of the focus and attack that naca5 has. A matter of taste I would say. On the other hand, if you go higher up in the Oephi hierarchy, which I haven’t done yet, I can very well imagine that you get both, and if that’s true, it suddenly becomes very, very interesting.