I did a thing ... 500DR to come

I don’t hear this lack at all. Can you elaborate bit more what you mean? What is attack to you and what is focus?

There is a lower end mid hump in naca5 which might transcribe to attack but this hump is also very colored. I prefer a more neutral presentation. Different speakers and room and all things related might of course increase or decrease this.

Focus to me is when you hear all things laid out and clear and separated. This is not a naca5 strength to me. It has a rather narrow bandwidth. This limits its possibility to portrait what’s on the record but some might enjoy it more. I don’t hear anywhere near of what my 500 system is capable of with naca5 though. To much “radio” mix for me using it :blush:

The more transparent system you have and higher up you go with naim the more benefits Oephi will bring and more restrictions naca5 will show.


Think we think quite alike actually… I like the naca5’s “hump” as you call it and that the bandwidth is a bit limited which translates into focused. More Rock’n’roll than finlir so to speak, which suits me and how I want it to sound. (But on the other hand, I don’t have a nap500, I might have thought differently then)


I think by focus he means it compliments the leading edge attack of Naim systems. For instance the EPIC XL which thus far is the only contender (that I’ve heard) to the NAC A5 -

has more detail, more balanced frequency, sweeter treble, better soundstage & deeper bass response
the NAC A5 sounded more grainy with more mid bass and less low bass it’s treble was also sharper and not as sweet but yet I returned the XL because regardless of all the perceived flaws of the NAC A5 somehow it was still the more engaging cable. I can’t explain why.

At this moment in my system that sharp treble is balanced out and actually extends so well. The slightly grainy sound is also countered out by my Furutech Rhodium plated components which provide a smooth and clean sound. The plentiful bass I get from my source components and 500DR means I’m not left wanting for any more bass. So in my case I think any cable change may upset the balance of my system.


I had the Chord Signature XL , the
same with them,musically Naca5 are clearly better.


That’s because you listen to radio music :smile::wink: Ariana sounds great on naca5 though!

I never understood what boogie and musicality means to be honest. I cannot hear any lack of it with Oephi or any more of it with naca5. I think this is a myth carried on from the Hobbits.

Or only MP3 files

Playing a lot of jazz also,swings really good with Naca5 :grinning:


So you haven’t heard the saxomofon yet?? You have a lot left to experience :smile::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Some of you know me as Mr Neotech😂 so I’ll get in @Blackbirds corner and claim that Neotech Nemos 3080 is significantly better than Naca and if not as musical even more so since one gets to hear a lot more nuances.

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Welcome to the unofficial oephi thread :rofl:
Very good - love to hear your thoughts!
The colour of naca5 is what my room needs - remember that this was the factor when deciding between ks1 and naca5…

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Yeah - there it is again … the balance


Wellcome Back - Mr Neotech :grin:


I’ve had SHL5 Plus and if they are anywhere near 30.2 I fully get why you prefer naca5 :+1: it’s designed by Alan who believe a shitty amp, electric wires for speaker cables and a 200 EUR CD player is all you need to hear his speakers maximum performance :wink: I believe that’s why he tuned them the way he has which in my room and with Phantom cables sounded rather thin, midrange heavy and piercing highs.

Whatever way to balance and your own preferences is of course right. We all share our experiences which are most often very different :blush:

I never liked Chord cables btw. It reminds me I need to evaluate the digital cable I from them going forward.

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Shl5+ has been improved upon considerably. There is better driver integration to the new XD range.

Yes I don’t understand why Alan Shaw thinks it doesn’t matter what amplifier is used. Similar to how Roy Gandy once said that you don’t need to clean records. I guess we all say silly thing sometimes.

Please don’t let that discourage you from Harbeth speakers. Correctly setup for different rooms, all the speakers in the range can sound absolutely amazing.


There’s al lot of saying from that generation which is outdated IMO. Things develop. We are not stuck in the 70s :blush::+1:

Yes there have been so many new discoveries. However I wouldn’t criticise what designers and manufacturers achieved in the golden era. Some philosophies from that era are still at the core of modern design.

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The latest must not be the best. I just bought a tonearm from 1989 for serious money :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Speaking of old school greats. Shout out to the NAC A4 that Linn copied in the K20. Best cable for the money.

So glad one can buy such a good cable for old school money. NAC A5 is better but look at the difference in price.

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You should have bought Oephi Reference instead Drago! Vinyl belongs to the past. The new thing is streaming! Soon to be available in Germany too :+1:

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You might be correct - we still have real money here. You might not even know what this is.
Are you going lucy with oephi now :rofl:
Would love to try - but need colour … really. Maybe I give ascendance a try!

Ps: can you arrange the reference for 2k … 6m…? I will hop on ! :blush: