I did a thing ... 500DR to come

@Igel I’d love that thanks :pray:

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I’m actually on the lookout for the Perspex quadraspire rack.

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Oracle Oelphi ?


When I had the 300 series demo the dealer and I were having a discussion about AMTs vs dome tweeters. I argued that although AMTs are considerably more extended and cleaner up top I miss the attack of a typical dome tweeter when I listen to AMTs.

He agreed and said that was the design principle in the Dali reference speakers, which use both dome and AMT

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Hardly ever see them. They tend to scuff a bit if not looked after so I think the older ones get junked. I have enough for 6 shelves on two bases. Had them for 20 years and not moving them on.

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Jazz is almost the only thing I listen to as well.

If they are the perfect speaker for jazz, I should put Tannoy on my long-term speaker shortlist.

I think I’ve got one or two Perspex Quadraspire shelves in a cupboard.

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I used to think that, but then I got my Kims and had to change my mind. Of course, they have AMT, which aren’t ribbons, right? :roll_eyes:

It’s hot here …
I came home (27 degres today) to my home under the roof.
500 really warm and nd555 above also (from heat underneath) very cozy.
Don’t want to alter components more accelerated :wink::blush:
Installed a silent in the cupboard for constant blowing fresh air on 500 and 555… works :wink::heart_eyes:

You need aircon :grin:


Yes I do … would love to have one …

I’m fortunate to have a brother in law who owns an HVAC company

Sell PN and buy one :+1:

Hi Guys,
quick question.
It is getting really hot these days (especially under the roof).
I would like to switch of the NAP500.

Is it possible (fine to be done), when I only switch off the 500DR PowerAMP and let the rest (552. 555,…) powered.
Is it ok only to switch off the 500DR?


Yes of course. Though have plenty of slo blow fuses……turning off and on will blow them, eventually.

Leave it on all the time is what I am doing. All that on and off may cause all kinds of problems!

It’s meant to left on and kept warm I thought!

If you aren’t using your system for prolonged periods. Then fine to switch it off.

I have had my system on and off so many times with Fraim changes that I have lost count. No problems at all.

But now system is done I have left everything to settle down.

And it sounds better for it! Leave it alone @drago. Stop fiddling. Lol.

Which fuse do you mean - fuse in the house or the fuse inside NAP500PS?

Yeah - but this is for secure purpose.
It is too hot in here and 500DR is getting really warm.
Even with external fan blowing from the side :slight_smile:

Question again :slight_smile:
Can I switch of NAP500 only? :wink: