I did a thing ... 500DR to come

You’re absolutely right Clive. I do that one. But haven’t been making glass ring yet!

I find a twist of the ball in clockwise direction :wink:

What?! You mean you’ve not been doing the dong or donk test? You only ever need do that once of course, so long as you don’t turn them over.

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See what you can do. But other option could be 555PS on base of middle stack. Then a tall shelf and 500 head unit on that. Then other 555PS at base of left stack.

I tried the Fraim glass donk test I couldn’t tell any difference, maybe my glass is perfect both sides :grinning:


Maybe once or twice! But not religiously. I am not sure about that one. Will see what dealer does!

Maybe he will play glass like a xylophone! :muscle:

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i like to keep all the psu’s in one place

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The 3 stack Fraim doesn’t make things easier in some ways. I hope you can do what you want mate.

When I come to stacking order in my system this thread will be stretched :grinning:

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is this why your going to 2 stacks? i think when i get a 500dr…which is a while off yet. i will space things out as if theres another stack in the middle n see if it can be done

Pushing back to topic :joy:

Lavender is a bit brighter in tendency
Lavender is a bit more more together
Lavender is fuller in bass

With SL it is as if you have tightened a screw
SL is faster
SL is more defined- micro details - more mids
SL is more forward without being overall edgy


It’s not definitive yet. I have alot of empty shelves. Once phonostage has gone will be 4 empty shelves.

But am thinking this layout on 2 stacks:

552 Head unit
500 Head unit

552 PS
Radikal 2

LP12 will have Urika 1 so phonostage gone. Zoneripper NAS take off the rack.

Only thing which isn’t ideal is ND5XS2 above 500 head unit. I could move ND5XS2 to bottom of left stack.

So with 3 stacks could move ND5XS2 to far left stack and put Zoneripper on there too.

Currently left stack NDS gap ND5XS2 gap 555PS. So all streaming on one stack. Easy with cable dressing as well.

do you have enough spare shelfs so you can get a gap between your…soon to be 552 and nds? this was noticable with my 252, i bought a used fraim lite shelf for this

updated with photo

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Under 552 better a spare and in my experience under TT no big transformers

So the issue is this. The sub floor isn’t great. The LP12 is best in terms of little movement on right hand stack, in the corner of the room. That position the floor is more rigid.

With my illness and lack of energy I don’t want upheaval of new sub floor.

The NDS is on top of left stack, then gap and ND5XS2, gap.and then 555PS. It works well like this. 52 on top of middle stack, then shelf space, phono stage, 500 head unit.

I am not sure that going from 3 stacks to 2 will be that bad. Gives me more space.

maybe you could stack it like mine but get a turntable shelf on the wall? that would give you space and sort out the floor issue mate

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Don’t you think it fits better in your thread - there will be further topics when your stuff arrived :blush:


I used to have a turntable shelf set up. Th only thing is it looks better on Fraim! There are so many options and have changed the layout so mamy times.

Let’s get the new gear in. See what installer says and take if from there. It might be better to leave the layout very similar to how it is. There’s currently plenty of space for NDS and 52 which I like.

LP12 sound pretty good where it is. I am not only one with LP12 Klimax on top of Brawn stack. If you have empty shelf underneath it will loose rigidity.

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No problem mate.


In a week here are massive boxes standing to be connected
A bit nervous I am :smiling_face:
Any suggestions with the order…
I think I will:

  1. Back to lavender (as I know it’s sound most) interconnect and 500dr in - with standard cables.
  2. SL din-xlr vs standard
  3. SL 5-5 vs lavender (as done today) - think SL will do the race as I like its dynamics
  4. second ps.

When all is fine … powerigel plus and Fraim work


I can bring you some tea and biscuits, or bear, Drago, Dan and Damien.