I did a thing ... 500DR to come

Triple D … that means something :rofl:


sounds like we are going to need biscuits mate!haha


can only be good!hahaha

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I‘ll take a beer :grinning:


You are on the fourth floor? Which apartment?

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Says you :joy:

More seriously - glad to see you are homing in on your own ultimate system, Dan!


500 dr in the rack - 555ps also, but not yet connected. …
sl din-xlr still in the box… all later.


Ok… here we go …
From the big bunch of upgrades I have installed:

  • SL din 5-5
  • 500dr
  • powerigel plus only preliminary as it now only feeds 500dr. My back is so much aching - would have been impossible to strip all down :laughing:

Waiting to be used:

  • powerigel plus feeding all gear.
  • sl din-xlr
  • second 555ps.

Tested 500dr in my preliminary setup before setting up the rack.

First impressions was bass - so much better.

Done back switching to 135 only once.


  • warmer in presentation (in a good way)
  • groovy
  • full bass but not very defined.

500dr. Actually going through its warm up rollercoaster

  • very defined bass with good wheight.

  • very punchy with lots of prat

  • lots of more detail

  • very controlled

  • much forward sounding

  • currently even more rough and dirty than 135 (in a good way as I liked this olive style)

  • today it is a bit harsh and slightly shouty (11h running) But have done some cable re arrangement (also with nd555) as he came up a bit.
    Hope after a few days all is better. Will be!

Overall the sound can be described as - live concert feeling!

Edit: and again the it happened - 500ps on bottom shelf slipped of the back fraim ball - while I plugged in the burndys . Hated it and gave me another 30 min to get it back on the ball… :unamused:


The 500dr perfectly adds to the sound of the 552 dr.
Nothing smooth as I Feld with 300dr - but haven’t given the 300dr the chance it deserved.


I found mine sounded really rough at times on days 2 and 3. After a week was consistently good.

Looks great my friend!


Definately warming up. Yesterday I pulled the 606 a bit back to the wall as I missed a bit bass. Today I am a minute away of pulling the back to the position :smiling_face:

Just realized that I could not go back to lavender … not long enough :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Too bad - or not. SL is fine - also in length and the very best cable when it comes to cable dressing!

So far all good - except being a bit in warm up.
The jump from 52 to 552 was bigger - but still a big step up.

Should I be worried with the 500ps slipped from the Fraim ball and glass flipped on wood.
Happened also with 555ps one year ago - all fine.
Think they are robust build an on rubber feet they dampen a bit.
And if something is broke I would have noticed.

No worries

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The 500DR in my experience takes a while to come on song from cold. Give it a week or two to bed in. Also, if you are experimenting with cables it will take longer. Everything needs to be settled. My 552DR seems pretty consistent now. I also found t2 after service eas consistent after a few days.

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@Dan_M 552dr … sooo much more to come!

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How long did yours take to burn in?

It has not yet burned in … after 2 weeks more, after 4 weeks … even more…
When the 2 guys here doing updates at warp speed - you can’t really tell. 552 takes long, but mine were instantly very much better than 52 - details and timing. 500dr is punch and detail

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Is your 552DR new though?

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