Insane new pricing in Australia

Mike you haven’t heard the new 300 stuff so I’m not sure how you can make that statement.

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Naim already said the 332 + 300 PS is just above the 252. I’m picking that alone would be $30K. You can get a fire sale 552 for a tad more than that. The 333, well I wouldn’t replace a NDX2 for it. Okay, the 350 are getting rave reviews, but as Gaza noted, the feedback was that the 300 NC series is designed as a complete system. So, I don’t see the NC series as that attractive for those of us at the level we are with classic gear - very expensive to swap without significant sound improvements. And down under we currently have some great options to upgrade in the classic and 500 ranges.

Yep Mike I think you have summarised well , the opportunity is there to grab classic gear for a good upgrade

From what I’ve read on the 200 and 300 threads on this forum it seems the NC250 and NC350’s are the stars

I’m a bit surprised the 332 is not getting absolute rave reviews but it’s early days

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I might have my own fire sale :crazy_face::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



If someone was just starting out on the naim trail and didn’t want to spend too much

Could currently pick up the ND5XS2/XS3 combo for circa $6.5k which is pretty amazing

Most consumers would be very happy with that for many years


Sorry if this isn’t as absolute as you were expecting!

Oh and by the way, two people (who have done the demo) told me they thought that the NAC 332 was not that far from a NAC 552 !

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Yeah but those that paid full price a year or so ago probably would be so damn happy.

Have a read of the official naim comments on the 332 - they should know

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Jason Gould gave an insight into why there is more work to do to catch the 552 up….200 series uses surface mount components, 300 wire through hole……less microphony. But unlike the 552 it still has a transformer and no spring loaded brass plate supports for the boards.
I got home put my 552/500 on and i thought still wow……did not get that with the 300 demo……but it may tick the box for others, we all hear differently.


@Gazza @Bevo

Just reporting some views of others, not stating it as a fact.

Many of us are going to be very happy with New Classics products, and many will keep some or all of their Original Classics and fully enjoy them too.
252 / 282 / SuperCap / HiCapDR / 300DR / 250DR are all superb sounding products.

Additionaly, I am not surprised at all that the wow factor lives on with all of the 500 series, and I don’t expect that to change at any point in time.

Fair comment Geoff

So in your case looking at your profile have you replaced an integrated SN2 with the 332 ?

Yes, and I had a NAC 252 / SuperCap in the past and my opinion is that the NAC 332 can exceed that in performance.

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So down to one box instead of 2 ?

That would be music to my ears as I currently have the 252/SCDR combo in one of my systems

If the one box 332 is “better” than that then that’s real progress

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For me, the substituted NAC 332 was quite a leap in system performance when I tried it here.

I can only suggest you have a demonstration at home to see if you agree.

Anyhow, this is an Australia thread so apologies for the slight Hifi diversion!

All good no worries

Yes will be interesting - problem will be in Aus and NZ the trade in values are now woeful so it’s now very tough price wise to upgrade to the new gear

I would hate to think what the 332 might retail for here when it hits these shores

It’s a small market here for Naim and maybe it’s about to shrink a bit more

And… it’s been announced. Not the best kept secret but Westan group has been announced distributor for Naim/Focal effective immediately for Australia.




One more article with some additional behind-the-scenes details:

Rampant Discounting A Problem As Westan Take On Focal & Naim – channelnews

Two interesting quotes from the article:

preparing for 2024, which will be full of new products

So I assume that will be the end of any non-500 green light boxes.

Focal and Naim are good brands but dealing with the Company behind the brands is high risk. We understand that the business is keen to have a distributor in this region as they are looking to sell the brands next year.

After 10 years of ownership and the new classic range introduced, time for Naxicap to make some money?

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There is so much spin from Ver Vent in that article, I’ve gone dizzy :flushed:

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I think I’ve heard all this blurb about 3 years ago :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: