Insane new pricing in Australia

Think even the dealers in the dark which is not necessarily a good move.

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I’ll guarantee dealers are in the dark

Be interesting to know the volume of naim stock Busisoft is holding, wouldn’t take any notice of the addicted to audio website page / don’t think they’re interested in updating it anymore

Our beloved dealer did say a while back that probably no NDX2’s available anymore

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I’ll be glad when they’re out of stock and values go back up. Can’t see many trading up based on current pricing and the heavy discount on the old classic stuff.

The two dealers here have the same stock and pricing they have had for a few months now. I guess anything going on is behind the scene.

It’s not just Naim stock. Focal as well. Serious dollars involved here for the distributor but for we Naim devotees all we know is the poor communication continues. Again, what a mess.


Just a bit of an update

God, this article is vomit inducing. He said, she said or didn’t say… turnover, profit, venture capitalist games… and in the meantime and for the foreseeable future I wouldn’t touch a new naim product if it was given to me. During the 30year tenure of NA Distributors (NZ) one could buy with confidence knowing that repairs/upgrades/failures would be dealt with promptly and professionally. Busisoft? zero service. They adopted the Big Box model of item failed, replace with new, no service on older equipment… and now… after 3 years … the silence is deafening.



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But let’s hold out that something much better will come from all of this for us down under

Not knowing the internals of how the business is run I kind of look at Naim as the manufacturer of the amps , streamers etc ie: the manufacturing arm

Not having a managing director at Salisbury anymore I don’t know whether they even have a seat at the main board table these days in Paris, I assume in some form they do.

I’m assuming all the decisions around appointment of distributors globally comes out of Paris, so I’ll just blame them ha :grinning:

I’m sure something good must come of all of this, it’s a fantastic brand


Phew…applaud your optimism but … :man_shrugging:

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Ha ha :grinning:

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Good grief. If F-N’s response was intended to calm the waters, it failed spectacularly. It does really raise questions around purchasing at the moment.

Certainly a big fall from grace from the N-A years.


Have faith Bro :flushed::frowning:

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Good for used gear, no doubt :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yep but as you say not a good time to consider a huge upgrade

Sit back and wait, let the dust settle


Do your LP12s rotate counter-clockwise


If I let them ha :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

We’re doomed Captain Mainwaring! Doomed I tell you. Or maybe the new owners will offer the same personalised service that NA did. But I’m not holding my breath, because we’re doomed!

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Calm down young fella :crazy_face::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Don’t panic! Don’t panic!

(Youth sentiment, I watched this when I was a kid at my grandparents).

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