Insane new pricing in Australia

When all is said and done it won’t stop me buying naim amps and power supplies. They’re easily serviceable. Still the newer streamers 2nd generation onwards seem well sorted and reliable. So hopefully it won’t be too bad fending for ourselves re servicing. But I’d probably go Linn or Auralic for streaming stuff as they have excellent backup.


Indeed IDAK - Linn now serviced and distributed by NA in NZ I believe

Can’t go wrong there !!

Regarding Naim , since my first system in 1980 I have never had any issue at all , and hopefully that will continue into the future :+1:


Over a month since 300 series announced. But information forthcoming about AU/NZ release prices or new distributor news. Nothing. Just unconfirmed rumours and a bit of spin from France. Would have thought the market deserved better. Clearly not.

See my reply to you from a couple of weeks ago, here;

I can absolutely sympathise with the frustration but I’m sure that when something can be said then it will be said.

No Nait 50LE for Australia very disappointing. Naim have really damaged their brands goodwill down under.


My dealer had ordered 3 of the new Naits and last time I spoke to him he still hadn’t heard anything.

When you flying out Pete ?

Pick me up a nait 50 when you visit Salisbury :crazy_face::crazy_face:

Monday night. I was trying work out how to get one out of the factory while no one was looking.

Do you know if Harry’s going to get his order?

Don’t know haven’t asked I would say probably not but who knows

Are you getting one?

Don’t know

Read all about it…Insane new pricing in Australia :sweat_smile:

Don’t forget it has to be able to fit in one of these

Are the prices for the 300 series out?

I haven’t seen them, looked a couple of days ago but they still weren’t listed.

Years away ha if ever

Losing interest real fast

You’re definitely interested in the Nait though.

The web sites here show all the discontinued classic line as available. I guess that means those items are in local stock, which might be hard to sell now?

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My usual dealer has the new range in stock, and I have demoed almost the full range of post-2000 Naim either at home on in his store. I know all Naim electronics bar the NAP135.
Whether the quality has increased is debatable: everybody on this forum has always assumed that Naim’s quality was very high, if not the highest. So a 20% increase is not justifiable on the grounds of ‘quality’ in my opinion.
The 200 series’s sound has changed, for sure. But so, I believe, is Naim’s market. The last batch of Focal speakers my dealer received are also different, more airy and transparent sounding.

Naim has lived four generations - CB, olive, Classic and New Classic. But most people I know who love Naim belong to the same generation and are the same since decades. It’s normal that affectionate users cannot easily identify with new looks and sound. As for myself, I’d take a 252/300 any time over the new ones, but I haven’t yet heard the 300s. And I still have a soft spot for the original SuperNait…


Make them an offer?