Insane new pricing in Australia

I see the Nait 50 is arriving in people’s homes and it looks great. Meanwhile in the colonies, are there even going to be any? Bit of a fall from when we had the highest Naim ownership per-capita in the world. And a tad disrespectful really.


Very disrespectful is the word that sums it up Mike

So disappointing


Hypothetically, if the Nait 50 is something someone was willing to buy unheard, I’d suggest ordering from the UK VAT free and shipping to ANZ. While circumventing local dealers is really bad form, bear in mind you are undercutting no one if you buy something from the UK that regional dealers are not actually selling.


Yes but I would not recommend that. If there is something wrong with it, it has to be shipped back to the UK because of the guarantee, where the local distributor is not obliged to honour it.


Yep sounds great not a wise thing to do. :+1:

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It really depends on whether it ever arrives in ANZ. If not, they’re likely to be okay with it. Remember, there are many countries with no Naim distributor at all where ever issue involves round trip shipping to the UK.

In this case, what really annoys dealers and distributors is if you ask for help after going around them to buy something cheaper elsewhere. From what’s been said here, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Yes that’s precisely what I mean. Then again some distributors really add a lot. Shahinian springs to mind several years ago

If punters wait too long to see if it cones to ANZ they’ll all be gone. In this case I really wouldn’t have a qualm about securing what I wanted from a place that can provide it.

If we we’re talking about an SN3, sure I’d never advocate such a thing. A dealer might rightly want nothing to do with you and your support request. But if they refused to support a Naim product they never sold in the first place I’d think they were a bunch of ####heads and never buy from them again. After all, it’s not like you deprived them of a sale.

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I’m really ambivalent about this ‘limited edition’. Current technology in retro box. Appeals to nostalgia for the Naim of old? Sure, but also to ‘flippers’ and ‘chancers’ looking to cash in on scarcity. It’s not a NAIT (note, no such thing as Nait 1) sure, it looks cool. Nods toward the classic but come on give us the same thing in modern shoebox livery… at half the price :man_shrugging: and for those in the Southern Hemisphere suffering from FOMO, buying direct from the UK would be low risk because after all there’s been almost zero service for the past 3 years down under anyway.

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Maybe via the distributor but some of us are lucky enough to have a dealer that not only cares knows more them them.

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No arguments there Pete BUT dealer is supplied by an anointed supplier not by Naim direct :man_shrugging: so if the mess is anything like the debacle 3 years ago. AUS/NZ is unlikely to see new models or spare parts before Xmas :roll_eyes:

Ding Dong the witch is dead; according to Stereonet, the Distributor is no longer the Distributor. The bad news is there is no sign of a knight on a white charger, so we remain in limbo down under. Meanwhile I assume there are 100 Nait 50s (98 for Australia, 2 for NZ) left bobbing around the Pacific :upside_down_face:


Has anyone in Oz sent a Nait XS amp for recapping to the UK? Rough cost?

Would cost a lot and significant risk of damage during shipping too.

There are lots of local engineers who could complete a service for you (some possibly not Naim-approved). Here is one that claims to do Naim servicing (note - normally links are moderated but I got this link from the Naim website - I am not sure if posting it is therefore ok)

I don’t know how up to date this list is, but there are numerous approved repair/service agents in Australia:

Thanks so much - will definitely look into those options. If anyone has had experience doing so from Oz to the UK would be keen to hear

Yep ding dong

Channel news Busisoft no longer the distributor for Aus & NZ

Bit of damage done over the last 3 years


I wonder what happens to the stock they hold? If there is a clearance sale, would you be running a risk if you needed to call apron the warranty?

I read that no new distributor is mentioned, though one turned down the offer….

As Bevo suggests there is damage done to the brand down here. I just hope the exciting (IMO) new product ranges are enough to inspire someone to take the job on - I for one have a way to go in the amp space and I don’t really want to look elsewhere. I don’t want to spend the next few years reading about how well the mono blocs work with Kudos Titans!

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Wonder who will be game enough to take on the distributorship now

Big call I reckon

I just sent an email to the Auckland distributor asking if they knew if any Nait 50s would be arriving in NZ. I guess it ain’t happening now.

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