Insane new pricing in Australia

A very long shot IDAK , can’t see that happening

It’s a real pity what’s happened down under, an incoming distributor will need to re establish the brand and build up business from there

It’s always been a small niche market here but has had a fantastic reputation.

I must say it’s somewhat depressing what’s happened over the last 3 years but hopefully it will be upwards and onwards as they say


Well it’s turned into a proper sht fight Busisoft will flog off their remaining stock at crazy prices just to shift them further eroding the value of our gear. This really is a mess.

Naim really do need to say something, this has been a concern for a few months and their silence is a concern.

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Where have you seen this @Pete_the_painter? When I last checked the ATA web site had everything at full price.

If you read the news article selling off stock heavily discounted is one option that they’ll consider. They do have form as witnessed earlier this year. However the truth is as Naim hasn’t said anything, while it’s true they might be in talks with someone but a little bit of customer reassurance wouldn’t hurt.

Ultimately I wouldn’t be surprised to see the brand disappear in this part of the world.

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This time last year when I was looking at upgrading my streamer and amplifier I seriously considered a NDX2/XPS DR and 252/SCDR/300DR System.

At that time they were all at full retail price, with maybe a small discount if I bought the lot. All this gear is now advertised at over 30% off, I’m really glad I did not go for it last year as I would be really upset (the polite and PC version) with how the pricing is now and it maybe going lower!


Well, I don’t think there is any other options in NZ apart from the the old distributer (NA) and the now-old new distributer (Busisoft) so you may well be right. And the market is to small for anyone else to try and move in.

A fire sale may be attractive, but big warranty risks I think.

Hmm, have just caught up on this news about the distributor for ANZ no longer being the distributor. No surprises there, I think I may have in predicted it when they were appointed three years ago. What a disaster! The brand is pretty much on life support now in NZ and I don’t see it recovering.

I certainly don’t see NA Distributors jumping back on board. That bridge was well and truly burned and they have put together a nice range of brands since then, with Linn effectively becoming their new ‘naim’ brand.


That’s a pity it was obvious to most the NA were certainly a more passionate and dedicated distributor than the last mob. They seemed more interested in their many other brands.

Luckily for me and those in Sydney we still have a dealer that would make us feel comfortable in taking that risk. I certainly wouldn’t consider it from the dealers connected to the distributor.

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Having said all this though it wouldn’t surprise me if there was something we are not aware of behind the scenes re the dumping of NA Distributors 3 years ago

Seems very odd that happened

Same old story in business - trust no one


Unfortunately you’re correct you can’t trust anyone when there’s money involved. Think the main reason that NA were replaced was Naim wanted a commitment for the distributor to take more stock. It seems if true their concerns were correct.


Trying to impose a different business model, that wouldn’t work in the ANZ market - as has now been proven.

I wonder how this will end up. They may decide it’s just not worth the bother for the market. Certainly, when they pulled out of Japan, the decision was to not look for a new distributor because of other issues. The existing one posted on their website that they would fully honour all warranties and servicing claims for exactly 5 years after termination of their agreement with Naim. That was 2008 and was, as they say, all they ever wrote.

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Agreed, there is a reason why Naim did so well in NZ - NA Distributors. Unfortunately the powers that be at Focal/Naim couldn’t see it and took the rights away from them, chasing the promise of bigger dollars elsewhere.

NA Distributors now have a suitable partner with Linn who seem to be just as proactive in terms of developing the brand here. It seems to be a good match.

Anyway, probably shouldn’t say too much, although I do think Naim need to take a good hard look at themselves in this instance.


This is what happens when another company (Focal) owns the Naim brand and spends the last 5 years gearing up to sell to Venture capital.

How did that work for Audio Research?


Not followed this thread in full, but I’ve just read about a UK trade deal with a group that includes NZ and Australia, which could come into effect 2024, perhaps this offers some to you?

Again the big problem is that France will look for a new Naim and Focal distributor. I can see someone wanting Naim but the Focal inventory is just too huge for this market to attract investment.

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Spot on cdboy

That’s the issue in a nutshell :+1:

Know it’s not going to happen but it’d be nice if our beloved dealer ended up with it.

Naim need someone to rebuild the market and restore some confidence.

I’d put my hand up for brand ambassador :grin:


There were a nice bunch for the German distributor near Hamburg. From what I understand they were all let go except one and not sure who has taken over this now. Does not sound very encouraging. This all happened quite recently after all my kit was serviced and recapped in 2021