Insane new pricing in Australia

Well our great dealer has been the distributor before

I’m sure he certainly would not put up his hand again and I don’t blame him


Here in Singapore, my dealer Absolute Sound also mention no longer a Naim dealers coming in July 23. I still have my 552 replacement awaiting to come back. Very interesting development in the Asia Pacific region here.

No I wouldn’t blame him either but it would be nice. Naim would also benefit from his wealth of knowledge and experience.

Naim might but I doubt the rest of the Group really don’t care too much about that

Bottom line rules these days

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Normally I’d think so too, but all of this knowledge will pertain to the CB, olive and classic lineups. While we might value that knowledge, strictly from a new sales perspective the brand would place little stock in it.

The truth however is that this knowledge is valuable, as selling used gear to new-to-Naim customers builds the brand and establishes brand loyalty (as evidenced by this thread and forum). I doubt the overall owners value this though. Private equity owners don’t care about brand longevity, they’re in it for a short term gain.


I see a refurbished 2004 500dr amplifier went for £9800 and a 552 dr preamp went at a trademe online auction for £7200 both with power supplies, today in an NZ auction site. Do these relatively low prices indicate a lack of belief in NZ naim ongoing service?


Think it might be dealers dumping old stock, however it’s hard to work out what’s happening as no body is talking.


The final price on the 500 DR was a bit high I thought, possibly indicative that they don’t come up very often and there were a few keen bidders to have it. On the other hand, somehow got a pretty good buy on the 552 DR. I thought it would have been the other way round.

It’s probably inevitable that there will be a slump in the market now that there is no distributer, confidence in buying will take a hit.


In this instance, ex dealer’s personal kit. He’s moved on. Why? Because like many the whole NZ situation causes the gag reflex to work overtime :man_shrugging:

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Now August without any official news. Very poor show Naim/Focal.


Feels a bit like being a wallflower at a party doesn’t it :crazy_face:


I have an idea why not make a trip to the UK and visit head office in Salisbury and ask the question.

I know that sounds silly but….:crazy_face:


It this a time loop? I’m sure I witnessed the question being asked.

Have the Focal Powered by Naim stores shut up shop? Have all the dealers dropped Naim?

Good question don’t think they’re been a success here.

I heard from a mate that Busisoft are fairly universally hated by both customers and dealers; don’t do great with most brands; and insist on dealing through the Addicted To Audio chain. And yet they are still around mopping up distributor licenses. And that was from a discussion where the word “Naim” wasn’t uttered.

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None of that surprises me it also confirms what most of us thought.


Yes I bet Cambridge Audio are wondering what has happened to their NZ sales. A parallel tragedy to the Naim fiasco I hear.


Yep Paul Quilter (PQ Imports) after doing a sterling job with his retailers for 30+ years :man_shrugging: gone… why? Busisoft strikes again :face_vomiting:


Ditto Dynaudio and Busisoft I hear.