Insane new pricing in Australia

My experience with Festool has been great. Buy locally or online, buy my replacement parts direct. You’re in Japan, with local sales, service etc for Naim apparently non existent. How much easier would it be if Naim had a direct distribution model. It might still mean shipping gear back to old Blighty but maybe more streamlined.

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My relationship with my UK dealer goes back 30 years and it’s basically like ordering online albeit via email. There’s no VAT. It arrives at my door. So there’s no distrubutor markup or UK tax. Servicing is a pain but creative solutions have been provided at times. When buying multiple bits like a whole systemt the savings you get shipping together on a pallet versus lots of one off heavy boxes means you really save a lot. In fact it’s the only way I could afford the Naim system I have. Even at 2013 prices and sans tax, the system is way above my pay grade.

There is a potential silver lining to having no distributor. I’m proof of that.

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Same in Hong Kong. My awesome long standing dealer, Radar Audio, is no longer selling Naim, and all other traditional dealers have also been terminated.

Naim’s website indicate there is now only one HK distributor. I checked their website, there is no mention of Naim products. Not a great start.

My first Miele dishwasher lasted 22 years with me. I sold it still working. My second one lasted 13 years until I gave it to a friend. Bought another just recently and it’s great.
My induction hob bought in 2000 is still going strong, (I did kitchen renovations and sold it to clients 10 years ago and they still talk to me).
Having done around 500 kitchens, the feedback has generally been positive. Asko are good too.


We still have gas in the kitchen, but I got a perilex connection installed for triphase in the kitchen. Im looking to get a Miele induction job, oven and extractor hood. The only issue is that most induction hobs are much bigger than the old gas stoves. The 7464 should fit so that’s the one coming in the next weeks. Wife and I still did not agree on the oven - that’s a discussion we need to complete first

Well I just bought a Bosch pyrolitic as part of my kitchen build. Miele are brilliant but I hardly use the full size oven anymore. So a cheaper option.

I haven’t hooked it up yet, as my kitchen reno has been paused. But looks okay. Made in Spain. The Spanish do some great stuff.

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And as for rangehoods, check out Elica. They used to make OEM for Miele, Blanco, Smeg and other brands.
Elica are Italian.


That good to know I have to fit out a whole kitchen early next year.

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On the topic of insane new pricing in Australia ; The Australian distributor (and the retail stores Addicted to Audio) has a fire sale on pretty much everything Naim and Focal. Several new items were added (pretty much the entire catalogue on hand) in the last 24-48 hours.

And a new disclaimer that the warranty will only be one year. Which goes against their statement that they are an authorised reseller and full local manufacturer warranty will be honoured. As someone with several Focal / Naim products I do have a vested interest in seeing I have appropriate after care shall I need it.


Including Statement at a massive discount.

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I’ll take it! The discounted price works out at under £135,000, rather less than the U.K. £208,000.


Won’t those be Australian dollars Nigel, not US dollars? So that’s a whole lot cheaper than you suggest.

I may not be an engineer, but I managed to work out the AUD to GBP conversion!

168,000 Australian dollars is about £85,500? Ah yes I see the NAC S1 and the power amps are priced separately. Now I understand.

But 264,000 Australian dollars is about £135,000, as Nigel points out…

I’d get that pair of poweramps to go with my Atom HE. Now, that would be a mullet innit?!

You mean you didn’t use a slide rule!!! (To be read in tone of incredulity.)

I’m afraid not. As a retired accountant, it had to be the abacus.

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Freight costs to UK $1 million :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

I’ve just seen this on-line, but the sale only appears to be in Australia and not New Zealand. It is very much a fire sale of everything, including the new NSC 222, 250 NC and NPX 300.

P.S. I rang the Auckland store, but no-one home, so left a message. Also emailed the head office in Australia.