Integrated Naim amplifier census

SN2. SN3 on order.

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Hello, in relation to the survey launched a few posts above, to date, I can see that the great majority of Naim customers rely on Supernait 2, many others still on the old generation of nait 2 and 3, while few on the 5 and 5si series. Who knows the reason of this choice not to favor the approach with a 5si … even if from the good relationship quality price … Or perhaps there are other reasons?

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Have you heard a Nait 1 or 2?

Not sure it’s possible to make amplifiers that coherent anymore (due to regulation changes and component quality) although of course all manufacturers will dispute this since they depend on the latest being the greatest.


No. Never listened … If I find someone on eBay I would take it too … but at a good price …

XS2 traded for SN2. Never looked back. Of course, the SN2 is worthless schiit now that SN3 is out, right?


The Nait 5i-2 , a stunning integrated little beauty.

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I really enjoyed around 5 years with my 5si, it’s a great amp, punches well above it’s weight. I still have it too and will be keeping it for a further system, that is if my son doesn’t prise it from my keeping.:thinking:


Im still suprised by how much it can handle constant uprades whetter cables, speaker isolation etc. Its a very sensetive piece of kit.


I love it!

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…what’s the verdict Steve?

I’ve dealt with my Naim dealer for years and he’s never set me wrong. Here’s what he said when I asked him if the SN3 was worth the wait…

**To answer your question - yes - the SN3 is absolutely worth the wait - the performance is simply huge over the already awesome SN2. **

Simply put - All aspects are better with the new kit.

I did find out that all the improvements are in the amplifier section with no changes to the preamp/headphone amp.

My SN3 is backordered into November.



‘Simply huge’ I doubt it. I have an SN3, have never heard a 2 to be fair but I can’t imagine it was way behind unless of course you consider the phono stage as a huge difference. Don’t get me wrong though, the SN3 is great as I’m sure the 2 is also.


He’s a dealer so you have to take that into account. It’s my understanding that the amplifier section has been improved quite a bit. No change to the preamp section or the headphone amp so far as I know.

I’m getting the SN3 while my SN2 still has some trade-in value.


Loved it!

Bear in mind, I was auditioning what in effect is a total ‘package’ as I’ll be changing arm, stylus, amp, phonostage and speakers. What I listened to was:
LP12 with Ekos SE, Kandid
SN3 and Superline
B&W 805 D3 w/ Tellurium Black II’s (my current cable so a happy coincidence my dealer used them).

Music I took was The Byrds, Prince Far I, David Axelrod, Bartok Concerto, Archie Shepp, Thurston Moore, Ravel S/Q, Ese and The Vooduu People (natch!) and Jeff Beck Truth…listened over the course of an hour and a bit.

Very open sound, dimensional, detailed but warm and involving. Solid and defined. Good recordings just shone in a delightful open space (Axelrod’s Holy Thursday, wow!) I think the openness was perhaps more down to the 805s, just music happening in space as it were. I was very pleased! My only question from the dem really, is how the speakers will fare in our room. The SN3 appeared effortless and seemed to have power aplenty. It certainly impressed my 202/200 owning friend who came along.

As a one box solution I was sold. I really don’t have the space to further consider seperates. So, all the above are semi pre-ordered ( awaiting funds). And I’d like to thank Paul at Grahams for a lovely afternoon!

Sitting on my hands now… :smiley:


Thank you for the feedback, a very nice review of your demo!


Thank you!
It all did sound superb!

I forgot to highlight that Ravel String Quartet was simply gorgeous.

I really have no second thoughts about the SN3 after yesterday.

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Let’s not go off topic! Here we talk only about integrated NAIM



(But the SN3 was an important part of the dem)


The comments from Steve were “only about integrated NAIM,” the experience he had with the SuperNait 3.

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2009 Nait XS

2010 Nait XS (brushes aluminium fascia) + 2018 HC-DR
