Interesting TV

It’s great based on the 2 episodes so far.

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Great news loved the first 2 seasons as well. :grin:

The books are excellent but sadly I don’t get Apple TV.

If only there were things called – ooh, I dunno – torrents. :wink:

I haven’t scrolled back all the way, but we really enjoyed:
« Archie - the man who became Cary Grant » on ITV.
Jason Isaacs - a fine actor- doesn’t really look much like him, but with the tan, and the glasses, he is convincing enough visually, and he really nails the voice.

Based on Dyan Canon’s book and with her, and their daughter’s, involvement and approval, it’s very well done I think.


Yes, first two seasons were brilliant. My favourite Oldman role by far, and I have always loved his work.

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First 2 episodes were up to their usual high standards, looking forward to the rest of the 3rd season.


I’m 15 minutes into the first episode of Season 3 and I’m blown away at the direction, cinema-photography and plot development. Shockingly good. So little superfluous crap. So well paced. Every piece of (entirely plausible) dialogue advancing our understanding of the storyline, but without being condescending. In a spy literature analogy, it’s like Le Carre Vs Ludlum. It’s on another level. But then the first two seasons were like that, too.


There was one season of Line of Duty, not sure if it was the 4th (it wasn’t the last) that I thought was the best drama I’d seen on TV. This has the same kind of energy, great TV won’t say too much. Enjoy. :+1:


Best thing I’ve seen since The Wire. (OK, Sopranos, BB and BCS were pretty good, too)


I couldn’t watch large parts of The Long Shadow , the misogyny, the unremitting misery, and the wallpaper.

Had no problems with the sound, the tragedy is that the Toby Jones character was closely based on the real person and was a very good policeman and a warm human being.

If you look at the “ laughing policeman” scene , you can compare it with the real incident on You Tube

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Have been Watching Bosch on Amazon, which has run for several seasons, with an evolution in to Bosch Legacy. I’m a bit late to the party as this started in 2015/16. The usual things in play, with a jazz-loving ex-special forces soldier now homicide cop, who likes to be independent. Much better than the run of the mill US-stuff, with a multi-handed cast, the primary aspect being the writing and constantly developing storyline. It’s also interesting on how it doesn’t dwell on certain events and scenes, letting the viewing recognise what took place.


The spin off Bosch Legace is pretty good too.


Yes, then it went all silly.

Alan Rickman and cast for all Captain Kirk fans. On film 4 now.


Yes, I’ve watched that too – I think it’s one of the cop/PI programmes which demonstrates so much is owed to the writing and storyline constructs, which sets Bosch apart from the usual formulaic outputs.

Finished Boat Story early. Really enjoyed it. Cartoonish in places but very intriguing. Beautifully played by all.

Nearly at the end of new Frasier. Have loved and still watch classic Frasier. The new series is fine. To me its best is the worst of old Frasier. The only way I can describe it, is that it seems constrained in terms of story, characters and set design. It doesn’t feel different enough, which original Frasier did. I’ll watch to the end though.


Me too.

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Ok we’re a bit late to the party but we have been impressed by Bodies. Certainly different, plus being well acted.

The staging was also imaginative; predicting the future, even by 30 years, is quite a task. Making it believable even more so.



I binged watched it recently and enjoyed it but thought it dropped off a bit in the middle of the series. Nice to see something pretty original though

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