Interesting TV

It’s one of those shows not trying to take itself too seriously, which ends up being very enjoyable. And requiring little concentration.

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Really enjoyed binge-watching Atypical, and strangely enjoyed it even more dubbed into German


We have one more episode of Bodies to go. It’s bloody awful, TBH. If I had a time machine, as they do in this “story,” I’d go back a few weeks and resist the temptation to watch the show.

Unintentionally LOL and compelling in its awfulness is CH4’s ‘The Couple Next Door’.

Guilty secret viewing.


Couple next door was good(ish) story wise…Until a very weak ending

Some terrible acting. One of those annoying things which once you’d started you didn’t want to stop, but once you’d stopped you wished you hadn’t started.

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The second series of the BBC’s Vigil is shaping up nicely.



I second that.

I’ll 3rd that.

Can you watch the 2nd series if you haven’t seen the first? Am recording the current series.

Preferably I’d say!

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Yes. They are separate stories; you don’t have the lead characters’ back story but it doesn’t really matter.



Reacher on PrimeTV.

Enjoyed S1 but S2 is also looking excellent 3 episodes in.

Plot summary - ‘Bad guys, Big Guy takes no crap’.


Watched the first 3 episodes here over the weekend. My wife declined to continue part way through episode one as she finds it too violent :grimacing:

I am not enjoying it as much as the first season. And Slow Horses is better, which is a shame as I have read most of the Reacher books and enjoyed them (though needed a break after every five or so as they do get a bit samey)

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I binge watched the 3 episodes last night after everyone went to bed, a bit of escapism I suppose.

I’ve not read the books but wondered if it was a bit tongue in cheek at times last night.

I didn’t think the violence was much worse than you see in most similar shows/movies, though will reappraise as I’m likely to watch again with Mrs AC.

There has been a trend towards a lot more violence in many shows, I think it was Goliath season 2 which really jarred with me as some of the stuff seemed to be intended to shock, and there have been a few shows I’ve got bored with due to gore for the sake of it.

I didn’t notice it in the first season but thought the dialogue from Reacher was often delivered very much in the style of Jim Caviezel in Person of Interest.

It didn’t seem very likely to me that he’d be able to easily get ‘new clothes’ in a thrift job given his stature.

We enjoyed last season but like your wife I find the level of violence just too much and unrealistic. Totally agree, Slow Horses is way better.

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Fargo - Series 5

More Minnesota and North Dakota weirdness, and every bit as enjoyable as the previous series.


A stellar performance from English actor Juno Temple as the seriously scary Dot Lyon.


Now @Alley_Cat , don’t over-think things about Reacher and his ‘wardrobe’ :grin: I agree with the violence aspect though and S2, having laid the character base, is certainly more impactful – I’m hoping the storyline holds together, and it doesn’t lean towards a quasi-superhero outcome. I also like the way 'time is given to other characters.

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We’re really enjoying the second series of Hidden Assets - an Irish/Belgian co-production. It’s kind of like a cross between Line of Duty and Spiral. Available on IPlayer and you should watch series one first if you haven’t already, even though we think series 2 is better, as it’s quite complex.


We came across this just last week while searching for some Saturday night drama. Started with the first series and enjoying it so far. Good story and excellent acting.

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Looking forward to Series 2, having enjoyed Series 1.
